Home » Paragraph Writing » Paragraph on “Microscope” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Paragraph on “Microscope” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12


The microscope derives it’s name from the two Greek words `Mikros’ meaning small and `Skopos’ meaning watcher. This aptly defines the purpose of a microscope i.e. to observe small things. The microscope was invented sometime between 1585 and 1610 and though the credit of it’s invention, is given to Galileo, it is also said that a man called Leeuwenhoek may have invented it.

The microscope consists of a series of lenses fitted in an eye piece which allow smaller objects placed on a small piece of glass underneath to be observed closely since a much enlarged view of it can he seen. The common laboratory microscope was first used by Leeuwenhoek to observe small creatures like fleas, weevils etc.

These are today used for both scientific and industrial purposes. Today we even have electronic microscopes called ‘Electron micro-scopes’ which give a far higher magnification than the ordinary microscope.


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