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Letter to To a Son Living and Working in Another City, Family Letter

To a Son Living and Working in Another City

My Dear Prem,

I was very happy to get your nice long letter yesterday. I was worried about that cold of yours; but now that I know you are completely better.

That remind me , I met Mrs. Jankidas when I was out shopping this morning, and she told me that Suresh is graduating this May and would like to get a job in an advertising agency.

I’m sending a shirt for your new suit. I know you can get anything you want; if you don’t like it, return it and I’ll take it back.

Anita is doing very much better in school. Now she got 80% marks in her last test. Dad is fine. The only thing that seems to be bothering him these day is that he’s losing his hair.

Now take good care of yourself, you know how I worry when you aren’t well !

Dad and Anita send you their love. Your letters help, so write soon again.

Devotedly ,



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