Home » Letter Writing » Letter to father requesting him to allow you to join an educational tour, informal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to father requesting him to allow you to join an educational tour, informal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to father requesting him to allow you to join an educational tour



Boys Hostel-II

39, New Convent School


July 21,


My dear Father

The tour of our school students is leaving next week for some prominent historical cities such as Agra, Mathura, Delhi, Panipat, Kurukshetra, Amritsar, etc.

It will be a twenty student tour for about ten days and will be led by Shri Prem Prakash, our teacher of history who is a renowned scholar. He will explain to us every significant thing which has some historical and educational value.

The tour will cost only Rs 500/- per student including boarding, lodging, transport and other expenses.

Dear father, it is a rare chance. Kindly allow me to join this tour and send me Rs 500/- at the earliest.

Convey my regards to mamma.

Yours affectionately (Abhinav Mohanty)


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