Letter regarding the display of vulgar advertisement.
Letter regarding the display of vulgar advertisement.
July 29, 2003
The Concerned Authority
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
With due respect, I would like to inform you that certain satellite channels are showing advertisements which do not have the basic decency of dress or even language. Besides this, these channels are also showing advertisements regarding alcohol and cigarettes, which also creates a negative impression as far as young viewers are concerned. Although the same advertisements are banned on Doordarshan, yet they continue on the other channels. For a layman like me, it is beyond logic that while one thing is harmful for one channel, it is okay with the other. Your department should initiate some instructions to these satellite channels that, if at all they want to continue with the advertisement, let it be late at night when the young viewers go to bed. The policy of liberalisation should not slur the culture.
Expecting to see a change in the advertisement format of satellite channels.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely,
Ravi Mazumdar