Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Letter to the G.M., D.T.C. complaining against the rudeness of a bus conductor on route 406. Complete English Personal Letter for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Letter to the G.M., D.T.C. complaining against the rudeness of a bus conductor on route 406. Complete English Personal Letter for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Letter to the G.M., D.T.C. complaining against the rudeness of a bus conductor on route 406.

Jacob John

374, Y.M.C.A.

Jai Singh Road

New Delhi-110001

February 4, 2007

The General Manager

Delhi Transport Corporation

Cannaught Place

New Delhi-110001

Sub. : Unbecoming behaviour of the bus conductor on route-406 


It is with immense anguish and frustration that I want to bring to your kind notice the misbehaviour of a bus conductor. The incident took place on 2nd February, while I was travelling on bus number DL4C 5307, plying on rout no-416. I had boarded it from Badarpur in the morning at about 9.45 a.m. Soon after getting in the bus, I had given the conductor a ten-rupee note for the ticket. But to my great surprise, the conductor sat lazily and pocketed the money without giving me the ticket. On my reminding, he started abusing and misbehaving. When I asked for the complaint book, he refused to hand it over to me.

But for the timely intervention of some fellow passengers, the incident would have taken an ugly turn, resulting even in physical violence.

May I request you to initiate necessary action against the conductor for his rude behaviour and robbing the department of its revenue !

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Jacob John


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