Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Pleasures, Joys and Memories of My Village” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Pleasures, Joys and Memories of My Village” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Pleasures, Joys and Memories of My Village


A village is a peaceful, noiseless and lonely place. It is ideal for relaxation. One can enjoy the beauty of nature. In many villages due to scarce population, people do not live too close to one another. Even our house is at a distance from other houses. Flowers, fruits, trees, small plants and vegetables surround our house. All this makes the surrounding of our house look green and fresh. A river passes near our village. This further beautifies the surroundings of the village.

I always remember about my school when I visit to my village house during vacations. My-school was not so far from our house. It took one hour walking to reach the school. After our classes got over, my only purpose was to play and run with my classmates near the river. We played many traditional games such as hide and seek, kabaddi, police-thief and chasing each other. When the sky was almost dark, we returned home. At night, I studied with my classmate Arjun at my house. Occasionally, I went to his house to discuss studies. Every now and then, we went for a walk talking mainly about our studies and ambitions of life. Arjun was very good in his studies. He explained many of the things that I did not understand clearly in school.

I have not forgotten Rampal. He was one of my classmates and neighbour friend. Rampal was the one who changed my mind and my classmates’ minu about the nature of people. In the school, I assumed that students who got bad marks must be bad people. Even Rampal was the one who got poor marks in our class. He never did his homework and was frequently absent in the school. For that reason, my friends and I believed that he was an unhelpful and a bad student. We liked to stay away from him.

One day after the school got over, I was walking on the river road on my way home. Suddenly, I saw a kid who was about to drown in the river. I was shocked at the sight. People were watching from the riverbank and shouting for help. Nobody dared to jump into the river to rescue the boy. Suddenly somebody jumped from the riverside and swam towards the drowning boy. After trying very hard, he succeeded in bringing the child bath to the riverside. Both were completely exhausted. I was surprised because the saviour was none another than Rampal.

From that day, my village school friends and I started thinking twice before building an opinion about any person. Whenever I visit to my lovely village, it always reminds me about my school’s life and this incident. Living among such friendly and simple people, is certainly a real pleasure to me.


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