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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “A Great Indian Leader – M.K. Gandhi” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Great Indian Leader – M.K. Gandhi


                   India has always produced great man. In modern times she gave birth to Rabindra Nath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi. One filled the world with sweet music. The other gave the message of Love, Truth and Non-violence. One won the nobel prize, the other won the love and admiration of the whole world.

                Mohandass Karamchand Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869 at Forbander in Gujarat. His father Kaba Gandhi, was the Dewan of the state of Rajkot. His mother was a religious lady.

                At the age of seven he went to school. He was married to Kasturba at the early age of thirteen. He passed the Matriculation Examination at the age of seventeen and was sent to England to study law. He returned as a barrister and started practice at Bombay. Soon he went to South Africa to help some Muslim merchant in the law suit. There he saw the pitiable condition of the Indians. He started the satyagraha Movement and succeeded in improving their condition.

                In 1914 he returned to India. During the Great war he helped the English in every possible way. He did social service in Champaran. But the Jallianwallah Bagh Tragedy shocked him. He decided to make his country free. He started the Non-cooperation and the Civil disobedience Movement. In 1930 he attended the Round Table Conference in England. He was warmly received by the king Emperor George V. He succeeded in gaining freedom in 1947. He was shot dead on January 30, 1948 by Nathu Ram Godse. His death was mourned through the whole world. He was the Father of Indian Nation. In his life time he was called by the loving title of ‘Babu’.

                Gandhiji was a great mahatma. He was a strict follower of Truth and Non-violence. He was a real friend of the poor. He did everything to remove untouchability. He was a prophet of peace. He gained freedom without bloodshed. He was a real liberator of India. He has shown an altogether new path to the world. He has effected a revolution in politics. He is considered as the greatest man of the age.


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