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Essay on “Sadbhavana Diwas Day – 20 August ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Sadbhavana Diwas Day – 20 August 

The birth anniversary of late Prime Minister of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi on 20th  August is observed as ‘Sadbhavana Diwas’ nationwide every year. The theme of Sadbhavana is to promote national integration and communal harmony among people of all religion and languages. Goodwill towards everyone and eschewing violence are the motto of Sadbhavana  Diwas. To promote this theme, the Sadbhavana Pledge taking ceremony is being observed on that day.

Sadbhavana Day Pledge

“I take this solemn pledge that I will  work for the emotional oneness and harmony of all the people of India regardless of caste, region, religion or language. I further pledge that I shall resolve all difference  among us through dialogue and constitutional means, without resorting to violence”.

Early life & education

(Please see the article “Anti-Terrorism Day)  

Communal Harmony – India’s Greatest Challenge

The humanity that India represents today is a product of a civilization 12,000 years of more. The spirit of tolerance  and assimilation are the hallmarks of this civilization. Never has the question of communal harmony and social integration raised such wide range of emotions as today.

Fear, suspicion and hatred are the fuel that feed the flame of communal disharmony and conflict. Lasting harmony between heterogeneous communities can only come through recognition of the oneness of humanity, a realization that differences that divided us along ethnic and religious lines have no foundation.

Just as there are no boundaries drawn on the earth to separate nations. Distinctions of social , economic, ethnic and regions identity imposed   by peoples is artificial :  they have only benefited those with vested interests. On the other hand, naturally occurring diverse regions of the world, or the country, such as mountain and plains , each have unique benefits. The diversity created by God has infinite value, while distinctions imposed by man have no substance.

Within the people of each ethnic group or culture lies an important piece of the human experience. Each has something to contribute to the large society. Consider the flowers in a garden: though they differ in kind. Colour, form and shape, yet, this diversity increase their charm, and add to their beauty. The unity of people is , therefore, not a blending of humanity that  overlooks  difference nor isolation in separate gardens, but a conscious appreciation and forging of unity in diversity.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. This warning to India torn by internal war holds true for the nation today and for the world. Differences between nations are even greater than those responses to this challenging issue is the development of a long range program to eradicate every sign of communal hatred and prejudice. Such a program necessarily involves the dissemination of information as one means of eliminating  misconceptions and superstition about caste and religion, so that positive relationships with persons of other backgrounds may be established with confidence and ease.

Every individual who desires to take part in the great task of promoting and establishing true communal harmony in India can do so by becoming well- informed about the findings of science in regard to caste and religious prejudice and by participating continually in the work of social integration help to eradicate those general conditions in the Indian  sub – continent that bring frustration and hardship to many groups of people , and thus encourage others to join him in these worthwhile endeavors.        

There is yet one other factor prerequisite to the success of any program designed to remove prejudice – a source of motivation to bring about remedial action in spite of social resistance to change. It is extremely difficult to undertake the necessary actions that will change and develop both self and society. The enormous drag of human prejudice sometime seems impossible to overcome.

Unfortunately, mere knowledge about social injustice and ethnic discrimination will not necessarily inspire any one to do anything about it. Intellectual convictions and collective action accompanied by socio- political will and emotional confirmation are necessary before they result in persistent action. The people of India must have a desire to overcome the accumulated superstitions and unfounded notion about  their fellow- citizens and things which many are prone to accept as true simply because they have been repeated time and again by close friends. Relatives and associates.      

The great avatars, sages and seers of India down the ages have taught us that religions is a source of motivation toward good works and good conduct necessary for the elimination of difference as group prejudice and hatred. The current situation of paralyzing conflict and devastation in the country, calls for deep soul searching and if we are not prepared to shoulder this compelling responsibility, there may come a time, when we will all have to no solution to escape large – scale calamity.

The disharmony arises in places where people belonging to more than one religions  but belong to different sects. Man with his powers of reasoning and intelligence gives his own version of truth and god, and the difference leads to a sect. In Christianity there are Catholics and Protestants etc. in Islam there are Sunnis and Shias etc. In Buddhists there are Hinayanas and Mahayanas. In Hinduism the divisions are many. All these regions preach that there is only one God, yet in praying to that one God there are differences and conflicts.

All religions in the world teach peace and peace alone. They say there is only one god. Practicing love and truth are the ways of reaching him. Christianity says, “Love thy neighbour as you love thyself Prophet Mohammad taught universal brotherhood. Hinduism taught “Sarvejanah Sukhino Bhavantu”. Let all people in the world live in happiness of bliss. Buddhism also taught the gospel of love.     


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  1. arsrsjntfyfyhgh says:


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