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Essay on “Changing Fashions” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Changing Fashions

Essay No. 01

Change is the law of nature. Seasons change frequently. There is broad daylight day and then comes the dark night. The same is with the nature of human beings. Change in the dress- style has not been seen only with the seasons but with places, communities, occasions, and times. The rich wear to show off and the poor to cover their bodies. Change in the style of dress and ornaments, shoes and caps has been everywhere, with people of every time and caps has been everywhere,  with people of every time and country. the women have been much eager and particular to have a change in their dress and ornaments to show off. With the fast pace of development and affluence, the taste for fashion has increased tremendously in modern times. Fashion is a big industry now. Men and women of high taste have taken it as a profession. They are the experts to guide you on which dress would suit you on what occasion. They change the trends of fashion. Such people are much sought after these days by the actors and actresses in movies and television serials. Gone are the days when people would go to tailors and get their clothes stitched by them. Now everything is ready-made according to all your choice and size. There is a swift race after the western fashion in dress. The cable and television culture of the present day has given rise to this rising trend of fashion.  


Changing Fashion

Essay No. 02

Fashion is constantly changing. They never remain the same. Much money is spent by people to buy things that are of the latest fashion. People follow fashion because they like a novelty. The same old things do not please them. They like to be fashionably dressed so that people might notice them. The same old fashions come back as new fashions after a number of years. For example, it was the fashion for men in the 16th and 17th centuries to have long hair. Today the same fashion of long hair for men has come back. In the 19th century, the age of Queen Victoria, men used to keep side locks. Modern young men to keep long sideburns. They wore tight trousers then which are once more commonly seen today. Western fashions are becoming more and more popular with our young people. Girls are seen in miniskirts and maxis, in embroidered jeans and trousers. Boys and girls tend to dress alike as they do in foreign countries. Boys have begun to wear all kinds of bright and colourful clothes as they did in the days of Queen Elizabeth I. Even in the matter of shoe fashions keep on revolving from pointed to square and round toe type of shoes and, back again in a cyclic form. A man should not be the slave of fashion but his master. People should adjust fashion to suit them instead of blindly following any kind of fashion. They should try to follow fashion and yet be decently dressed. There is no sense in sacrificing one character for the sake of fashion.


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  1. Mubashir says:

    I read your essay. its my great experience.

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