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Essay on “Bal Gangadhar Tilak” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Essay No. 01

Bal Gangadhar Tilak was born on 23rd July, 1856 at Ratnagiri. He belonged to the ruling sect of the Maratha Kingdom on the Chitpavan Bahmins. This sect was a class of strictly orthodox Brahmins.

His father was an ordinary school teacher who later rose to be the inspector of schools. Bal Gangadhar passed his matriculation examination at the age of sixteen and was married soon after, but meanwhile he lost his father. He pursued his higher education at Deccan Education society was established mainly because of his efforts.

He was a great lover of the great Indian heritage and a keen admirer of Shivaji. In order to enhance the spirit of patriotism and cooperation among the Indian people, hence organized the Ganapati and the Shivaji festivals.

He opposed tooth and nail the partition of Bengal in 1905. He was arrested and sent to Mandalay in Burma to serve a six years term. After returning from jail, he started the Home Rule Movement. He was one of the delegates of the Home Rule League that visited England in 1918. He breathed his last on August 1, 1920.

He will always be remembered for his words” He was one of the greatest Indian leaders who roused the masses against the foreign rule and imbued leaders who roused the masses against the foreign rule and imbued them with the spirit of patriotism, social service and sacrifice.

Essay No. 02


Bal Gangadhar Tilak


India : Great Nationalist Leader

Birth : 1856       Death : 1920

Like Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak believed that militant methods were necessary to get rid of the British rule. Tilak’s principle was militancy, not mendicancy. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was the first Indian leader to give the slogan, “Freedom is my birthright and I shall have it”. For his anti-imperialistic activities, he was sent to jail many times. In 1908, he was given 6 years rigorous imprisonment for his activities against the British rule and was sent to Mandlay jail. During his imprisonment he wrote his famous commentary on Srimadbhagwat Gita- Gita Rahasaya. Tilak was in fact, a profound scholar of Indian history and culture and also wrote a book on Vedas Arctic Home in the Vedas. Tilak vehemently opposed the Partition of Bengal (1905) under the Viceroyalty of Lord Curzon. Lifelong, Tilak strived for nationalism.

`Lokmanya’ Tilak was born on 23rd July 1856, in Maharashtra. His full name was Balwant Gangadhar Tilak. Since his early childhood, he was imbued with patriotic sentiments and so felt very critical of the British rule in India. He did his L.L.B. in 1879 and in 1881 he started the publication of Kesari (Marathi) and Maratha (English) for arousing national awakening. Tilak availed much popularity in Europe and America by his books Orayan and Arctic Home in the Vedas. Max Muller, a great German scholar and Indologist was highly impressed with the eminent scholarship of Tilak. When plague broke out in Poona, Tilak devoted himself wholeheartedly to the service of the victims. Tilak was called the ‘father of political unrest’ in India, but he held the repressive policy of the Britishers responsible for it. In 1908, Tilak faced a trial on a charge of sedition. The historic speech which Tilak made in his defence lasted for four days and 24 hours. In 1916, together with Anne Besant he launched the Home Rule League Movement, but withdrew it on getting favourable assurance from the British government. Tilak was also one of those leaders who helped Congress become an effective organization to fight for India’s freedom.


Essay No. 03


Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Sal Gangadhar Tilak on born July 22, 1856 at Ratnagiri. He was from a royal family, but his father was a school teacher.

He did his schooling from Poona High School and then joined the Deccan College. He completed a degree in law in 1879.

He was one of the prime architects of modern India and heralded Asian nationalism. His philosophy could not survive after his death as India came under sway of Mahatma Gandhi.

Tilak joined the other freedom fighters in their struggle for independence. He believed that the British had to be paid back in their own coin by fighting back.

In 1881, Tilak started two magazines, `Kesari’ in Marathi and ‘Maratha’ in English. In 1885, he established the Deccan Education Society.

Tilak gave the famous slogan, “Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it.” In 1905, Tilak was arrested and sent to Mandalay Jail for six years.

He started the Home Rule Movement. Tilak is known as the Father of Indian Nationalism. He died on 1st May, 1920.


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  1. Shrikant shetti says:

    I like these essay

  2. Satakshi Tyagi says:

    I like the essay very much

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