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Essay on “Advertisement” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.



     Synopsis:   Advertisement is indispensable for business and marketing. It is essential to promote sales and achieve growth. Advertisements help the buyers to take good and immediate buying decisions.  Popularity of television has added new dimensions to advertising. Children and young men and women are often the targets of the alluring and enticing ads because they play a crucial role in making buying decision although they themselves have no control on the purses.  Celebrities- film and sports stars- are featured in commercial ads to promote sales and build brand image and often the efforts succeed a lot.  Ads offer a wide choice and competitive prices.  Advertisements have certain very adverse effects on children. In a number of cases children have died while imitating the dangerous ads. Advertisements make consumer protection and education a must.  Consumer education can be made a part of school education.


            In the world of sales, marketing, brand and image-building nothing works as does advertising.  Therefore, millions and millions of rupees are spend on advertisement blitz and advertising agencies, agents and sales persons are having a roaring business.  Advertisement of products and services dominate newspapers, magazines, television, radio, internet and such other media.  They have become indispensable to promote current sales, to update offers and to increase the potential for both future and short terms actual sales.  Continuity in advertising over a long period of time has become crucial because of its cumulative effect. 


            Advertising makes it difficult for the consumers to postpone buying decisions for long.  Ads constantly appeal and entice the potential buyers to go for the products with their catchy jingles, attractive visuals, alluring incentives and prizes. Consumers often like to be helped to make buying decisions and advertisements help them a lot in the matter. In the absence of repeated an alluring advertisements they will procrastinate and delay in buying.  Advertisements motivate people to buy goods even when they actually do not need them.  They appeal to the consumer’s psychology and convince them to make a buying decision.  Children and women become more easy targets of the commercial assault through enticing advertisements.  The popularity of television has made it all the more easy as the small screen has its reach almost in all the homes and passive viewers offer a huge market for products and services. 


            Companies formulate their marketing and advertising strategies very carefully and patiently keeping in view what their campaign should really achieve and who should be their immediate and direct target.  They try to capture the attention and imagination of children and women because they play a significant role by pressurizing their parents or male elders regarding choice of brands etc. Strategically planned and executed ads make the cash registers jingle while others not planned so well may get bombed.  For example, Dimple’s famous dive in the swimming pool for crowning glory was a roaring success.


            Children, young men and women and ladies are the main target of ads because they make the most impressionable segment of the viewers. And they can exert the utmost pressure in making buying decision on the elders who control the strings of the family purses.  Many ads of consumer products imply that the purchase of those particular brands make the buyers special in the eyes of other.  Film and sports stars are engaged to draw the attention of the audience. They are great hope for the companies and their sales promotion.  They believe the more famous the star in the commercial, the better the chances of their success.  Sri Devi, Amitabh, Shahrukh Khan, Hema Malini, Dharmendra, kapil Dev, Leander Paes, Manisha Koirala, Poonam Dhillon, Juhi Chawla, Mona Bhattacharya and many other celebrities have been hired by the carious companies to promote the sale of their various products, like spices, noodles, refrigerators, television sets, shampoos, cycles, cold drinks, scooters, cars, hair oils, toiletries, electric appliances, suiting’s, chappals, shoes, detergents, cookers, etc. For example, Sri Devi featured in commercials of Nescafe, Lux and Cema bulbs; Manisha Koirala in Nirma and Ortem, Hema Malini in Casper mosquito mats and Khaitan fans, Neena Gupta in Hawkins cooker and MDH spices. There is a long list of film and sports stars who have featured in such commercials, Dharmendra boosted the sales of Rajdoot Motorbike and vinod Khanna that of Cinthol Soap. Similarly, Shahrukh Khan’s “Pepsi to main pee kar rahoonga,” has done a lot of good for the cold drink.  Young men and women and even children among middle class and upper middle class families, have their role models in these film and sports serious and heroines.  When they see them featuring in a commercial for a particular product, they willingly go for it by the passage of time become habitual buyers.


            Fascinating advertisements try to reach the hearts and souls of the consumers and oblige them to make buying decision.  Obviously advertising works and delivers sales, For example, during winter when refrigerator brands engage themselves in off season discount wars, the volume of sales go higher than the peak season summer sales.


            Ads are a very good mean of brand communication and deliver expected results. The prospective and potential consumers are made to make immediate buying decision on the basis of certificates and approvals given by celebrities – film or sports start featuring in the commercials.  The appearance of stars and celebrities in ads impress the receptive and sensitive minds of children and young men and women who press their parents to buy that particular item or brand, prolonged and persistent ads turn the passive television viewers into very active and credulous buyers. 


            Advertisements offer consumer a wide range of choice and competitive prices. In such a situation consumer becomes the king and the can have the better value for his money.  Advertisements are essential for the growth of economy, industry and business because their growth depends on marketing, sales and advertisements.  The advertisements and its quantum itself is an index of economic and industrial growth, they also ensure quality and reasonable prices as there is tough competition and only the fittest can hope to survive. And so ultimately the consumer is benefited.   


            But the assault and tidal wave of advertisements make choice difficult and complex.  The buyers often feel confused and may not take right buying decision.  Women and children often become victims of constant and prolonged advertisements and commercials.  There is a mad rush for gift hampers, coupons, caps, stickers, free tea-shirts, and other free gifts.  Children pressurize their parents to buy items just because they look attractive, alluring and cheap in the advertisements or some celebrity features in an ad for a particular product.  Children often imitate very dangerous feats shown in advertisements.  A number of fatal cases have been reported in the newspapers in which children tried to imitate some dangerous cola ads.  There is disharmony in the family when a product bought on the insistence of a child or the house wife turns out to be a substandard product.  On many an occasion, advertised goods turn out to be of very poor quality and the consumers feel cheated and befooled. 


            In such a scenario consumer education and protection become imperative.  Buyers need to be made aware of their rights as consumers against the unscrupulous, restrictive and unfair trade practices indulged in by manufacturers, sellers, shopkeepers etc.  The consumers should be taught how to discriminate between genuine and fake products and look through false promises and alluring invasion of advertisements.  There is a suggestion that consumer education should be a part of school education so as to ensure better quality of life for the future citizens of the country.   In also underlines the need for more and more consumer courts to settle the consumer disputes quickly and without much costs.


Essay No. 2



An advertisement is an announcement in a newspaper, on television or  on a poster about a product, event, job vacancy etc. an advertisement is a very powerful medium which is deliberately used to influence the minds, tastes and even motives of masses. It is a message made through a popular medium that reaches the maximum number of people. Newspaper, Magazines T.V., radio and the cinema are extensively used by the corporate world, commercial establishment and government and social institutions for various purposes.

Advertisement are of two types – classified or meant for display. In classified advertisements, the number of words and information both are classified- it means limited. These advertisements are printed in the newspapers under various heads – such as situation vacant, situation wanted, Matrimonials,  Lost and Found, Property, Let Service, Sale and Purchase, Educational, Accommodation wanted, Agents and Distributors , Travel and Tours , Liaison, Motor Vehicle, Computer , Financial, Placement Service, Business Proposals, Consultancy, Astrology, Intercom, Marbles, Interior Decorator, Beauty Culture , Music and Art, Architects, Machinery and Tools. Horticulture, Paying Guests, Kennel and Live Stock etc. classified Advertisements are charged at the rate of per word or line. Maximum word limit is usually 80-100. More than that the advertisement is considered as the Display Advertisement. No block or design is allowed in classified Advertisements.

Big business houses generally prefer to have their advertisement display separately at some special place or page of the newspaper. Extra charges have to be paid for it. Display advertisements are charged at the rate of per column cm. there is  no limit to their  size. In a display advertisement, the main print line must be highlighted. Such advertisements are made attractive but with a purpose. Generally advertisements or Display advertisements are given to attract the attention of the Display advertisements are given to attract the attention of the readers. The purpose may be same as that of the classified advertisement but they are printed in bold letters covering comparatively more    space in newspaper. Generally such advertisements are given by the manufacturers of goods to promote ht sale.  Government and voluntary organizations to give such advertisements in the newspapers for public awakening.

Drafting, designing and laying out of commercial or business advertisements is an art. This advertisement should be meaningful, interesting and attractive so that the readers may tempt to go through it. Its language should be catchy, simple and effective with a happy blending of content and style. It should be brief and pointed. To attract eh eyes of the style. It should be brief and  pointed. To attract eh eyes of the readers, we should  added effect, specially in Display Advertisements. The name of the advertiser and the  advertised product should be given in bold or capital letters. In this age no one is ready to wait to read the lengthy advertisement. The tone, mood and style of an advertisement must match with its subject matter.      

This is an age of advertisement. No industry, commerce or trade can proper unless a piece of advertisement in the press of on television is not given. The purpose of advertisement is to publicize some  product or some service available with somebody. However, the brief description of the product or service advertised and contact number or address must there. It should not be too lengthy because the modern reader has neither the time nor  the patience to go through  lengthy write – ups.

Advertisement is very useful and necessary for prosperity in business. It is the life of commerce, trade and industry. It extends the area of the market and thus increases the sale. It brings both the consumers and the producers together. Advertisement enables a consumer to know where he can find the best and cheapest articles for his use. It is also the main source of income to the newspapers and magazines. It give us bride- grooms , posts, servants, markets, patients, it secures name and fame to the authors, artists and musicians.

Yet advertisement is not free from disadvantages. It has its own drawbacks and defeats. Many business communities have taken undue advantage by making false propaganda. The false and deceptive advertisements are harmful. Indecent pictures , photos and books, given in advertisement often corrupt the morals of the people. Posters and paintings on walls spoil the beauty of the walls.

It may be said that advertisement is a great boon to the business community. The government should check false advertisement. False advertisers should be severely punished thus advertisement may prove useful and helpful. There is a great scope for it in our country. Businessmen in India are advised to make greater use of it.     

Essay No. 03


It is inconceivable to think of the modern world without advertising. It is one of the constitutive elements of modern living and in terms of costs involves astronomical figures.

In its extended sense advertising is as much applicable to the world of politics and religion as to that of business and trade. Here, however we will confine ourselves to the more common world of business, where one is struck by the intensity and subtlety of the advertising it resorts to. Perhaps it is inherent  in mass production for extensive markets across a country and beyond to thrive on large- scale advertising. One thing generally leads to another. International trade was made possible thanks to the unprecedented development in the means of transport and communication, and it in turn created the giant publicity firms and advertising agencies.

Two obvious functions of all advertising are bringing new products or services to the knowledge of their prospective customers and promoting their sales and use. Nothing wrong in this – but trouble arises when exaggerated or patently dishonest claims are made by the manufacturers for their wares with the express intention of making profits at the customers’ expense. As we open our newspapers, we find page after page of several advertisements. The danger here is that people are misled by dishonest people who push up sales of useless things. People think that, whatever comes in print, is true.  They also think that when a thing is said to be good, it must be good. the advertising people know this. They know that if a lie is repeated a hundred times, it sounds like  truth and is taken for truth. This group psychology is dangerous for public healthy and standards.

Furthermore, two associated evils of unscrupulous advertising are vitiating the psychology of potential buyers and marketing goods capable of adversely affecting human health and environment. For, it is not rare to meet with instances where ingredients known to harm or poison the human body are used in items sold to unsuspecting millions under the cover of fierce publicity and aggressive advertising.

All this is not to suggest that business of advertising is an unmitigated evil. Put  to proper use, advertising can do enormous good to society, in the hands of people with a social conscience. However, in the hands of those businessmen who are unethical and unscrupulous , the chances are that advertising will be more an instrument of individual and  social harm than an agent of human welfare.    


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