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Essay on “A visit to a Museum” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A visit to a Museum

          There are many museums all over the world. Numerous museum near there in India itself. Most of the museums are specific and have items pertaining to a particular field or area. Such are Railway Museum. Air force museum, doll Museum, status Museum and so on.

          Last Sunday, I went to see the museum pertaining to the Archaeological Survey of India. It comprised a number of rooms. Each room showed items concerning a particular period in the history of India or pertaining to a particular region of India.

          The most impressive items that virtually enthralled me were the items pertaining to the Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro civilization. Models and real findings from this civilization were displayed in elaborate showcases. Besides, there were charts, pictures and posters depicting disparate items.

          I was greatly impressed by the model of the Great Bath and the wonderful drainage system in the ancient urban civilization. Then I looked at toys of animals, men and birds with great curiosity.

          I saw many other things and when I returned home after about two hours, I was full of new knowledge and somewhat whetted hunger for attaining more of it elsewhere.

Essay No. 2


A Visit To A Museum

A museum is a collection of curiosities. It means a storehouse of objects, related to art , science, history on education. A museum is a place of great interest. It is highly educative. A visit to the Museum is an education in itself.

There are a number o museums in every country. In India there are museums in many big towns. There is a museum at Sarnath. This place is about two miles  from Banaras. Last year, I got a chance to see ti. Sarnath is a well – known place in Indian history. In the past, there were many Buddhist monasteries here.

The museum is divided into many sections. I passed gate of the museum. Soon I found myself in the Art Section. It was well decorated. There I saw many big and old statues of Buddha and Buddhist saints. These statues were thousands of years old I saw the history of India written on stone. I also saw some pillars. On them were recorded the edicts of Ashoka. These things made me think of the past. In this section I also saw beautiful paintings and clay models. They threw much light on  the people’s lives in the past.

Then I moved on to another section. There is saw many old relics. I saw dresses worn by the Rajput soldiers in the past. I was very much surprised to see the weapons used by Indian warriors. Among these weapons were old swords, shields , lances and armour. They were very nicely arranged. A picture   of the Rajput glory and chivalry seemed to float before my eyes when I had a look at shields , daggers, swords, weapons, ornaments, and armours that were own by the Rajput warrior sand women.

The golden age of the Guptas seemed to return when I stepped into hall where statues images and engravings to the Gupta period were artistically put up. I could catch a beautiful glimpse of our ancient heritage and civilization from the various articles that had been dug out of the mounds at Harappa and Mohen- jo – daro. There was a beautifully embroidered coat of cotton cloth which showed that our ancestors, about 6000 years ago, knew the art of making cloth.  

Then I went to the History section. On one table I saw some great books of the past. They were written on bhojpatra. On another table I saw many things belonging to the times of Buddha. They reminded me of Buddha and his teachings.

At last I went to the Cottage Industries Section. In one corner, I saw old things of clay. They were beautiful and useful. They were more attractive than the things of clay of today. In this section, I also saw the work of the blacksmith, the weaver and the carpenter. All this work proved the great skill of the artisans of the past.

After about two hours, I left the museum. It is a store- house of knowledge of past ages. It helped me to know the art, literature, manners , customs and dresses of the people of the past. A visit to Museum was very inspiring. A visit to the Museum brings  a vivid beautiful picture of our rich heritage before us. It reminds us of our worthy great past. The museum provides instruction  with amusement. Here, one reads history ‘without tears’



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  1. Umer and Fasi says:

    We like this very much.It is written in avery good manner.Thanks.🐯

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