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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Marc Chagall” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Marc Chagall


Russia : A representative painter of 20th century

Born : 1887          Died : 1985


Marc Chagall is considered as one of the talented painters of twentieth century, as great as, if not greater than, the world renowned Picasso. Chagall who was born in Russia, but lived in France, has left his indelible mark on lithography, etchings, murals, inlay work and artwork on painted glass.

Chagall was born near Moscow on July 7, 1887. His parents were businessmen. From his childhood, Chagall started painting birds and animals. In 1907, he went to St Petersburg to learn painting. In 1910, he shifted to Paris. Paris at that time was the centre of attraction for painters from all over the world. His paintings impressed the progressive artists. His paintings were exhibited in Berlin in 1914 which was partially successful. Due to the outbreak of Second World War, he went to Russia to join his family, leaving his numerous paintings in Paris. After years, he came to know that his paintings in Paris were being greatly admired. He married Bela Rosenfield in 1915.

His paintings were next exhibited in America in 1926. By this time, he was looked upon as a talented painter. The death. of Bela in 1944 was. a great shock for him. He later married again. His paintings on the ceiling of Paris Opera House in 1926 were compared to the work of Michelangelo. Chagall left behind some 3000 paintings. Amongst them ‘Flowers above St Janette’, ‘Glass of Wine’, ‘Lovers under Lilies’, ‘The Fiddler on the Roof’, ‘Paris Through Window’, ‘The Triumph of Music’ and ‘Lovers in Gray’ are most prominent. Chagall also did some paintings for the church of France based on Bible that were considered outstanding and highly appreciated in Paris.

He was honoured with ‘Legion of Merit’ by the Govt. of France. The world of art suffered an irreparable loss when he died on 28 March, 1985. But, hundreds of (his paintings, in the famous art galleries all over the world, stand as mute witness to his artistic capabilities.


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