Home » 10th Class » CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Conversation between two friends Ram and Shyam talk about the importance of a morning walk”

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “Conversation between two friends Ram and Shyam talk about the importance of a morning walk”

Conversation between two friends Ram and Shyam talk about the importance of a morning walk.

Conversation on the Topic “A Morning Walk” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Ram: A morning walk is the best exercise which can keep all of us fit and fresh for whole of the day.

Shyam: You are right, this is an exercise which is suitable for all, whether young or old.

Ram: A walk in the morning time refreshes the mind and improves the health. It is a light exercise and highly beneficial for physical fitness.

Shyam: The lungs are provided with fresh air which is very essential for the body.

Ram: It is for this reason the doctors always recommend the patients for having a morning walk. Even great men like Mahatma Gandhi have stressed its importance. Gandhiji himself also used to go out for a morning walk every day without fail.

Shyam: There is no doubt that it is not very easy for some people to get up early in the morning, particularly in the winter season.

Ram: But I think those who have formed a regular habit of rising early, for them a morning walk is a must. Even if they miss it for one day only, they feel very lazy and miss something for the whole of the day later on.

Shyam: Generally, in small towns, the people go out for a walk in the fields which are quite nearby. In certain towns, where there are also canals, people can enjoy their morning walk along its banks.

Ram: On the other hand, in big cities, like Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta people cannot have the opportunity to go into the fields for a walk every day.

Shyam: There they can either have a walk on the roads in the early morning, or they can go to the public parks where they can enjoy fresh air.

Ram: In this way, a morning walk is different in a small town like Ferozepore and a big city like Delhi.

Shyam: But a morning walk becomes a must for all the city dwellers. This is the only time when they can hope to breathe in fresh air.

Ram: While walking through the fields in small towns early in the morning one can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. A cool breeze is also blowing at this time and one feels very pleasant.

Shyam: The birds who rise early in the morning, are chirping in the bushes and on the branches of the trees. Some farmers are also ploughing the fields while others are busy reaping the standing crops.

Ram: In the cities, the people generally go to the public parks for a walk. One can see many old men walking or doing light exercises.

Shyam: We may also find some persons doing Yogic exercises on the green grass. One can also find many familiar faces in the garden.

Ram: One can see the beautiful flowers of many colours blooming in the garden. Here one can walk on the green grass after removing the shoes or do some light exercises like running etc.

Shyam: The fresh air and the pleasant calmness are very pleasing.

Ram: Some people may also take many rounds of the garden.

Shyam: leisurely, while others briskly. We can always find some people walking

Ram: In fact, we should never miss a morning walk whether it is a hot summer or cold winter.

Shyam: Morning walk is all the more essential for fat persons. If they regularly go out for a walk, then they can also reduce their weight.

Ram: Usually, in the winter season there is less rush in the gardens whereas in the summer vacation, the parks are full of school and college students.

Shyam: There is no doubt that the whole scene in the early morning is worth seeing.

Ram: In reality, a morning walk is just like a food for our body. It helps us in keeping a sound body which is very essential for a sound mind.


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