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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Electrical Engineering” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Syllabus of Electrical Engineering  Paper-1 1. Circuit Theory: Circuit components; network graphs; KCL, KVL; circuit analysis methods: nodal analysis, mesh analysis; basic network theorems and applications; transient analysis: RL, RC and RLC circuits; sinusoidal steady state analysis; resonant circuits; coupled circuits; balanced 3-phase circuits; Two-port networks. 2. Signals & Systems: Representation ofcontinuous—time and discrete-time signals & systems; LTI systems; convolution; impulse response; time-domain analysis of LTI systems based on convolution and differential/difference...
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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Economics ” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Syllabus of Economics  Paper-1 1. Advanced Micro Economics: (a) Marshallian and Walrasiam Approaches to Price determination. (b) Alternative Distribution Theories: Ricardo, Kaldor, Kaleeki. (c) Markets Structure: Monopolistic Competition, Duopoly, Oligopoly. (d) Modem Welfare Criteria: Pareto Hicks & Scitovsky, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, A.K. Sen’s Social Welfare Function. 2. Advanced Macro Economics: Approaches to Employment Income and Interest Rate determination: Classical, Keynes (IS-LM) curve, Neo classical synthesis and New classical, Theories of Interest...
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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Commerce and Accountancy ” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Syllabus Commerce and Accountancy  Paper- 1 Accounting and Finance Accounting Taxation & Auditing 1. Financial Accounting: Accounting as a Financial Information System; Impact of Behavioural Sciences. Accounting Standards e.g., Accounting for Depreciation, Inventories, Research and Development Costs, Long-term Construction Contracts, Revenue Recognition, Fixed Assets, Contingencies, Foreign Exchange Transactions, Investments and Government Grants, Cash Flow Statement, Earnings Per Share. Accounting for Share Capital Transactions including Bonus Shares, Right Shares, Employees Stock Option...
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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Civil Engineering” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Civil Engineering Paper-1 1. Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis: 1.1 Engineering Mechanics: Units and Dimensions, SI Units, Vectors, Concept of Force, Concept of particle and rigid body. Concurrent, Non Concurrent and parallel forces in a plane, moment of force, free body diagram, conditions of equilibrium, Principle of virtual work, equivalent force system. First and Second Moment of area, Mass moment of Inertia. Static Friction. Kinematics and Kinetics: Kinematics...
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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Syllabus of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Paper-1 I. Animal Nutrition: Li Partitioning of food energy within the animal. Direct and indirect calorimetry. Carbon — nitrogen balance and comparative slaughter methods. Systems for expressing energy value of foods in ruminants, pigs and poultry. Energy requirements for maintenance, growth, pregnancy, lactation, egg, wool, and meat production. 1.2 Latest advances in protein nutrition. Energy protein interrelationships. Evaluation of protein quality. Use of NPN...
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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Chemistry” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Optional Subject Papers I & II Candidates may choose any optional subject from amongst the list of subjects given in Para 2 (Group 1). However, if a candidate has graduated in any of the literatures of languages indicated in Group-2, with the literature as the main subject, then the candidate can also opt for that particular literature subject as an optional subject. Syllabus of Chemistry Paper-1 Atomic Structure: Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,...
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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Agriculture” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Optional Subject Papers I & II Candidates may choose any optional subject from amongst the list of subjects given in Para 2 (Group 1). However, if a candidate has graduated in any of the literatures of languages indicated in Group-2, with the literature as the main subject, then the candidate can also opt for that particular literature subject as an optional subject. Syllabus of Agriculture Paper-1 Ecology and its relevance to...
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UPSC Civil Services Examination Syllabus of “Botany” Preliminary and Mains Exam.

Optional Subject Papers I & II Candidates may choose any optional subject from amongst the list of subjects given in Para 2 (Group 1). However, if a candidate has graduated in any of the literatures of languages indicated in Group-2, with the literature as the main subject, then the candidate can also opt for that particular literature subject as an optional subject. Syllabus of Botany Paper-1 Microbiology and Plant Pathology: Structure...
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