Home » 10th Class » ASL Topic “At The Breakfast Table” Conversation examples for CBSE English Speaking Test Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students 2024.

ASL Topic “At The Breakfast Table” Conversation examples for CBSE English Speaking Test Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students 2024.

ASL Topic Conversation between “At The Breakfast Table” Speaking Test.

In this lesson Mrs. Julka has prepared breakfast for her family and she serves that at the dining table.

Mrs. Julka. Lovely, tell your Daddy that the break-fast is ready. “Ask him to come to the Dining Room. Also bring Lucky and Goldy to the Dining Room.

Lovely. O.K. Mummy. We are all just coming.

Mr. Julka. Lovely, is the breakfast ready?

Lovely. Yes, Papa, Mummy is calling everybody to the Dining Room.

Mr. Julka. Come on, Lucky and Goldy, let us have our breakfast.

Mrs. Julka. Lovely, Lucky and Goldy, please take your seats. Goldy, don’t trouble your papa. Let him sit on his chair.

Mr. Julka. It seems that you have prepared a lot of things for breakfast today.

Mrs. Julka. Dear children, first all of you should drink your milk, and then I’ll give you the other things.

Lovely. Mummy, I have finished my milk, now give me two slices of bread with butter and Jam. I also want one fried egg.

Mrs. Julka. You are a good girl, Lovely. You have already finished your milk. Now here are your two slices of bread with butter. Also take this fried egg. I have also put some jam in your plate.

Lovely. Thank you, Mummy.

Mrs. Julka. Now Goldy and Lucky, both of you should also drink your milk quickly.

Goldy. Mummy, I have also finished my milk. Give me one boiled egg and two slices of bread with butter. I also want one apple.

Mrs. Julka. Here is your plate. I have put everything you want in your plate.

Lovely. Mummy, I have also finished my, milk. I want bread with only jam. I don’t like butter. Also give me one fried egg and one Banana.

Mrs. Julka. Lovely, I am also putting one apple in your plate.

Mr. Julka. Lovely, you must eat apple. It is very good for the health.

Lovely. O.K. Papa.

Mrs. Julka. What would you like dear, fried egg or omelette?

Mr. Julka. Please give me omelette and two slices of bread with butter.

Mrs. Julka. Have it, dear.

Mr. Julka. Lovely, pass on the salt and pepper containers to me. Give me that sauce bottle also.

Lovely. Have it, Papa.

Goldy. Mummy. I also want some omelette.

Mrs. Julka. O.K. Have it.

Lucky. Mummy, give me one more banana.

Mrs. Julka. Have it, Lucky.

Mr. Julka. Dear, now prepare a cup of hot tea for me.

Mrs. Julka. Have it, please.

Lovely. Mummy, now you should also start eating. We have already finished our breakfast but you have not even started.

Mrs. Julka. Oh! I am going to start.

Mr. Julka. Lovely, give me one banana.

Lovely. Have it, Daddy.

Mrs. Julka. Would you like another cup of tea, dear?

Mr. Julka. Please give me.

Mrs. Julka. Pass on your cup to me. I’ll prepare another cup of tea.

Mr. Julka. Goldy, pass on my cup to Mummy.

Goldy. Mummy, here is Daddy’s cup for tea.

Mrs. Julka. Goldy now give this cup of tea to your Daddy. Be careful it is quite hot. Do not spill it on the table.

Mr. Julka. Thank you, dear for a really hot cup of tea.

Mrs. Julka. O.K. Now we have all finished our breakfast, who is going to help me to clear the table

Lovely. ? Mummy, I’ll help you.

Mrs. Julka. You are really a very good and lovely daughter.


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