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Essay on “Hostel life of a student” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Hostel life of a student

6 Best Essay on “Hostel Life”

Essay No. 01


Synopsis: – Hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution food in a hostel is served in the mess. A hostel has a common room, a library, and a reading room. It also has facilities for games and sports. Students belonging to different regions and cultures stay together in a hostel. They learn the lesson of co-operation; Students learn many things in a hostel. It makes their life regular and systematic. They learn the lessons of punctuality and discipline. They develop their personality. They learn to be independent. School children in a hostel are guided by teachers and wardens. Ragging often takes place in a hostel. Students may go astray in a hostel. Parents should visit them regularly and give them precis of advice.

A hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Life in a hostel is different from life in a home. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution. Life in a hostel makes a student self-dependent. It makes him smart, active, and disciplined.

A hostel has a mess which at times is run on a co-operative basis. Food is served in the mess. The washerman and the barber visit the hostel regularly. Some students wash their own clothes. Others give their clothes to the washerman.

A hostel has a common room. Here are students assemble to watch television. They also discuss in groups the daily events, politics, current issues, etc. A hostel generally has a library. Many hostels have reading halls adjacent to the library. A hostel has facilities for indoor games. Some hostels have facilities for outdoor games like basketball, volleyball, badminton, etc. Unlike a hostel meant for students, a hostel for workers and tourists may not have these facilities. Life in a hostel is community life. They live together, eat together and go out together. They enjoy excursions and parties. Life is merry and jovial in a hostel.

Various types of students are found in a hostel. Some are very studious. They always remain busy with their studies. Some are mischievous. They give little time to studies. They spend their time moving around playing and bullying others or making runs or others. Students should not misuse their time. They should utilize their time in studies, games, debates, group discussions, and other such fruitful activities.

Students learn many things in the hostel. They help one another in the hour of need. They become enduring friends. They learn to become independent. In the hostel, students have to live according to the rules of the hostel. They have to wake up on time, sleep on time, have food on time, study on time, etc. This helps them in maintaining discipline in their lifestyles.

In hostels, students have to do a number of chores by themselves like taking care of their belongings, washing their clothes, making their beds, etc. This helps them to be self-reliant. They learn what is right and what is wrong. Here, they do not depend on their parents. They depend on themselves. School children staying in hostels are guided by wardens and teachers. The adults are masters of themselves. Hostel life makes the student’s life regular and systematic.

Students of educational institutions may face problems in a hostel in the beginning. Ragging generally takes place in a hostel. Senior students make fun of junior students. Unfortunately, at times, ragging crosses all limits of decency. Effective steps need to be taken to prevent ragging.

There are also chances of students going astray in hostels. They should be properly guided by the hostel authorities. Students stay away from their parents in a hostel. They crave the love and affection of their parents. They feel homesick. Some students who are not very good at studies, in the absence of proper guidance, neglect their studies. Some students feel free from all bondages and become masters of their own will as they are away from their parents. In such cases, students may choose evil companies and form bad habits. Parents should visit them regularly and give them emotional support and guidance to help them walk on the correct path.

Students face life practically on their own in a hostel. Life in a hostel instills confidence in them. They develop their personality. They learn to face the problems in life. They learn to be self-disciplined, regular, and punctual. They develop a feeling of respect for other religions and cultures. They learn to help and cooperate with one another. They learn social etiquette and lead a better and more disciplined life. Hostel life thus helps them to develop many good qualities and make the students good citizens.

Essay No. 2

Hostel Life

Hostel life is a free and sacred life. It is very conducive to living. The atmosphere is quite congenial for studies and suitable for the qualities of domestic life like co-operation, fellow- felling, and self–managing affairs. If a student takes it seriously, he can develop all qualities of a good citizen.

A student who lives in a hostel is free from ordinary anxieties and cares. He can concentrate his mind fully on his studies. Besides, he can take part in social activities and can learn many virtues from his senior students.

He can also increase his knowledge and remove his weaknesses. Thus, he becomes mannerly, polished, and cultured. His shyness fades always. He learns to speak fluently and express his ideas. It is because he mixes up with different types of students. he learns how to behave in society. He acquires good manners and in the future becomes a disciplined man and good citizen.

Life in a hostel is full of responsibilities. You are free from the sharp eye of your parents and elders but here you are to use your own intellect. You can fall easy prey to evil ways, bad company, drugs, smoking, wastage of time, and whatnot. This is the real test of your true self. You can make or mar your career. A hostel accommodates both the good and bad students. it gives an opportunity to a good student to take the benefit of everything, all facilities at hand, good teachers, good library, laboratory. You do have not to worry about anything except your studies. If you are able to make a good shine like a diamond. But if your show yourself down, give way to evil ways, they will go on closing their grip on you, and ultimately it will be difficult for your to get freed.

Hostel life is a memorable period of one’s whole life. it gives us lifelong friends and memories. It makes you self-confident and responsible. It takes you out of your parental care and shows you the reality of life you tend to learn by your own mistakes. Your seniors are your best guides. You learn to respect them and try to go in their footsteps.


Essay No. 03


Life in a Hostel

Every student cannot say much about the life in a hostel. Only a student who lives in a hostel or has lived in a hostel can say something at length about it. However, anybody can imagine certain things which do not need any explanation or corroboration from an expert. I have some idea of the hostel life not from personal experience but on the basis of experience as told me by my brother who lived in a big hostel of a famous public school.

In the hostel, a student has to lead a much-disciplined life. He has to get up early in the morning and take physical exercise or have a race according to schedule, depending upon rules and orders from the Principal or the warden. These days in some hostels yoga and meditation lessons are also given.

There are fixed times for various meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the hostel. Usually, a bell is rung at the appropriate time. Meals are taken by the hostelers, class or block-wise or all together. The hostelers also play indoor games or watch T.V in the hostel hall together. This encourages interaction, mental trust, and help. In some hostels, TV sets may be provided in individual rooms of the hostelers. But that does not diminish the spirit of oneness and brotherhood which the hostel life provides with by its very nature. In some hostels, there may be AC rooms but that is not there in all hostels.

The commonest problem faced by students in most of the hostels is that of meals. Many students who live in hostels complain of poor food served at meals. They say that the food served is tasteless, unpalatable, and insipid. However, in hostels where the hostelers themselves manage the hostel mess and canteen on a cooperative basis and employ good cooks, the students can arrange the choicest food at reasonable rates, sometimes even better than that they get at home.

The hostel students have good company during the session but at the end of it or on vacation they feel bored because of loneliness or lack of any routine work and often visit their homes and families to the great delight of themselves and members of their families.


Essay No. 04

Hostel Life

Hostel life is entirely different from life at home. Many parents prefer to send their children to a hostel so that they are away from the homely – pleasure and learn to live and grow on their own. Hostel life provides the most ideal atmosphere for study. The students get more time and suitable atmosphere to do their studies, to get help or guidance for anything from their class-fellows and moreover, from seniors who are living close by. Even a careless or negligent student starts working hard when he sees his roommate or neighbor competing for the position. Thus hostel life inspires a lesson of mutual co-operation and the spirit of healthy competition

The greatest blessing for students away from home is the independence in hostel life. Nobody is there to question whether they go to bed late at night or get up late in the mornings. Everyone is a master of his own, in spite of the strict rules and regulations of the hostel. Those who love freedom like hostel life very much. Even during vacations, such students do not wish to visit their homes. Further, there is no elder to check the activities. The student does not have to live as other members of the family life and he is required to adjust on so many occasions. He is to keep in mind the convenience of others and may have to study in spite of the presence of guests at home.

In hostel life, a student may learn many good qualities after coming into contact with many other students from different cultures, states, and walks of life. A student can get inspiration from other mates in the hostel who daily go for morning walks or exercise. A single student can set good examples for other students in a hostel. The characteristics of good hostel life are love, co-operation, and sympathy for fellow friends. All-round development of the personality is possible by living for a few years in a hostel. The students are always in touch with people of their own age and who have varied aptitudes and tastes. Friends can be selected based on your own choice and liking.

In hostel life, students learn a lot from mutual discussions. Whether it is the political scene of the country or the criticism of the latest picture seen by them or about their favorite heroine or hero or about a cricket match or favorite sportspersons, every discussion becomes lively and a source of unlimited information and knowledge. Then there are holidays, special events like eating competitions and indoor or outdoor matches which make hostel life a thing of envy for others living in homes. Further, whenever any student falls ill, all other students take good care of him and provide him all types of help. They try to guide him for the missed periods of study in the classroom.

Hostel life has many drawbacks also just like the two sides of a coin. Sometimes, freedom of hostel life leads them astray. They find the atmosphere entirely new and free. They start following some spoilt children of the rich class and start asking for more and more money from their parents. They make it a routine to go to cinemas and waste time in only enjoyment and merry-making. Even some students start smoking, gambling, or even go to the extent of drinking. They do not care for the hard-earned money sent by their parents. However, such students have to repent in the latter part of their lives for not learning anything in spite of the best opportunities.

Hostel life can be made free from all above harmful effects by following specific and strict rules and regulations. These rules need to be implemented and not just written down for the record’s sake. The management of the hostel should be professional and practical in approach to achieve the ultimate success of its students.


Essay No. 05

Hostel Life

Many students live in hostels. There they live a kind of life which is different from their life at home. This life in a hostel is known as hostel life. In a hostel, students of different places, different families, different tastes, and temperaments happen to live together. Here they sink down their differences and try to adjust with one another and learn how to live successfully in a large society after they leave their school. Here they learn how to live a corporate life with full sympathy and co-operation. So, hostel life is a good life no doubt. Hostel life is very advantageous for those who undertake it. The inmates get a better facility for study through discussion in a hostel than in any other place. Here they learn discipline through the rigor of rules and through mutual adjustment and cooperation.

Students living in hostels lead a very regular life. They are very punctual in their daily duties. They get up at right time. They bathe at right time. They pray to God at right time. They come back to the hostel at right time. They sit for lunch, dinner, and breakfast at the right times.

They sup and sleep at the right times. The bell of the hostel rings at the right points of time to make the inmates regular and punctual. On Saturdays and Sundays, they make feasts and picnics and eat with a happier mood. On holidays and holy days, they make merry with pomp and ceremony. The mess of the hostel is directly managed by the inmates. At the end of every month, they hold a meeting, discuss the mess accounts and elect a Manager for the succeeding month from among themselves. They eat foods of general nature. On Saturdays, they hold music and debates. On Sundays, they borrow books from the library of the hostel. Hostel-life suffers from the possible disadvantages. Lack of essential necessities and necessary provisions bears a very bad effect on hostel discipline.


Hostel Life

Essay No. 06

There are certain schools which admit only day scholars but some both boarders and day scholars. And some take in only borders. I have studied in a school which requires students to be compulsorily boarders. To me, hostel life was a pleasure, but my parents were never too keen to send me there for a very long time. It was only when I turned fourteen that I was admitted to a boarding house. After all, a home is a home. But I tried to take advantage of my stay in a hostel. Why do students get an education? The purpose of education is to prepare students in such a way that when they step out of their limited society called school they should be able to face life’s challenges and shoulder responsibilities. They should be well-adjusted in society. It presents a life situation in a miniature form. There, they are taught how to cooperate and develop qualities of sportsmanship. They become independent and self-sufficient. In a hostel, every student is expected to work for himself. They cannot think of anyone else doing their work as they would normally expect at home. They become more disciplined as there is no one to pamper them. They have to say good-bye to sloth and they become active. They have to wash their own clothes, make their own bed, etc. They have to take good care of their health. Whenever they are ill, they have to remember to take their medicines in time. In a hostel, I started doing all these things myself. I found myself becoming more and more responsible. But once you start living in a hostel you miss home a lot. I felt lonely and miserable at times. The food in the dining hall was unpalatable and I began to lose weight. I used to often have an upset stomach and I missed the comforts of home a lot. At times the strict discipline of the hostel becomes too curbing and one feels like breaking away from the chains of hotel life. I do find hostel life great fun because I got to stay with my friends twenty-four hours a day and enjoy all school activities with them, but I did find myself craving for home life too. So, hostel life is a mixture of pain and pleasure, but it is greatly recommended for all students.


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  1. Pradeep Chauhan says:

    Thank you for this

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