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Write a letter to your local MLA, expressing concern about the deteriorating law and order situation in your.

Write a letter to your local MLA, expressing concern about the deteriorating law and order situation in your.

Vinay Kumar                          

17-A, New Horizons


Old Faridabad-121008

(Public Grievance-Haryana.

Redressal Committee)

May 15, 2007

Hon’ble M.P. Singh


Canal Colony, Faridabad

Subject : Law and order problem in our locality

Respected Sir,

I shall like to introduce myself as a responsible, educated, permanent resident of your constituency, having great regard for you for the care you have been taking for the development of our area.

However, I shall like to be excused for approaching you through this letter, regarding the worsening law and order situation in our locality ‘New Horizons’. Hardly a day passes, when there is no incident of burglary, pick pocketing, waylaying, eve-teasing, or unwarranted street fights amongst the hooligans. During the last week itself, we have seen the brutal murder of an elderly couple in their house at night and a horrifying incident of stabbing in one of the streets because of an old rivalry.

All of us shall always feel highly obliged, in case you are kind enough to approach the concerned police officials on our behalf and have a separate police post established in the locality. Beat constables may also be put on regular, night duty.

With great regards,

Faithfully yours,

Vinay Kumar


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