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Write a Letter of apology to a friend for missing a appointment with him, complete English Personal Letter for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Write a Letter of apology to a friend for missing a appointment with him.


2/14, River Bank Colony



February 28, 200

My dear Mani,

To start with, I shall-like to extend to you my unqualified apology for my failure to have kept the appointment meeting you at the Narula restaurant on the 23rd evening. I am sure you must be cursing me for the inconvenience, owing to a long, futile wait. Believe me, my friend, I was prevented from reaching the place of our scheduled meeting because of an unforeseen, sudden emergency.

Just as I was about to start, I had an urgent telegram from my elder brother, Mr. Satish, informing me that father had met with a serious accident at Meerut. I was, therefore, forced to board the first available train that brought me to Meerut on the morning of the 24th. I was so upset at the news that I couldn’t even phone to inform you accordingly. Luckily for all of us, father is out of any danger now, though he was badly injured. Hope you would be kind enough to accept my apology for missing my appointment.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Nirmal Pandey


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