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Essay on “Academic Reforms in India” Complete Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Academic Reforms in India

Ministry for Human Resource and Development (MHRD) has come out with various proposed changes to the existing set up of education in India. The additions and oversights in these reports seems troublesome for all Indians interested in the betterment of the people of India. There is lacking of a well-designed science based curriculum truly relevant to the Indian scene. It is believed that access to a well-planned and relevant system of education goes a long way toward fruitful development of an individual. It should not only help her/him to explore new horizons but, at the most basic level, enable a person to acquire the skills necessary for a sustainable earning potential. Undeveloped ‘ potential is a national loss.

Usually termed as primary education, this is the only form of education (by many estimates) that a large part of our population (that is rural) will in good circumstances, get. It is, therefore, most disappointing that the reports fail to address the serious shortcomings of primary education both as to access and success in retaining the interest and enthusiasm of our young population. The education policies of the Government should have something of everyone. Today the lack of sensitivity to the needs and aspirations of our rural masses is too evident to miss in the rural sphere of Indian life.

The curriculum today is out of touch with the ground realities and of little practical import. The curriculum does not provide knowledge that can be utilized to enhance local resources through which employment could be generated in addition to improve the existing conditions. It has been suggested that some sort of technical education be made part of a two-year programme (one separate subject) that all children have to take part in before the 8th grade. If for some reason our young people are unable to continue their education, they can be employed in areas where a skill set is required. If they decide to carry on, then the skill set can be further enhanced. Such practical knowledge will give the students and their parents motivation to pursue education to higher levels. This is clearly a complimentary step to the equally important step of increasing access to education at the high-school and collegiate level.

Termed as undergraduate and graduate education and also include high school education to this category.

Keeping this in mind, the High School curriculum of State and Central Boards of Education should incorporate ‘courses that encourage students to carry on in the technical areas in which they have started to gain experience. This will have a two-pronged effect. One that a more educated generation will come into being and second this will immensely aid in the development of our rural sector. Today this sector is apathetic to education as it has little do with its daily struggles for survival.

A good percentage of students who do get past the 12th grade cannot afford to go to institutions where professional degree programmes are offered. This is because unlike most of the developed world where on average expenses on education do not exceed 25 per cent of per capita Gross National Product (GNP) in India that figure is staggering. We hereby appeal that this percentage is drastically reduced through regulation or other-wise so that all the talented students who are deprived a chance to excel in areas in which they have aptitudes get a fair chance. Such a denial of opportunity is a shame and great loss for the country.

In fact, MHRD wants to introduce mandatory “value-education” courses for better all-round development of our students. They want “values” to be the corner-stone of all academic endeavours. This is greatly troubling. The mandatory nature of such a recommendation is dangerous as it can very easily slip into indoctrination. Religious education should have no room in the classroom. Our existing books, in history as well as literature, have plenty of references to great men and women. They talk in depth of various religions, their philosophy and origins. Any more additions to the already existing structure will have two harmful effects.

India has tremendous human power. We have a population with tremendous intellectual potential. The present day meagre allocation of 3.5 per cent of the total GNP of the nation to education is a clear case of insensitivity and clear lack of a sense of priorities. It is imperative that the funding for education be increased to at least 6-7 per cent of the GNP. What else could be more important to the nation than the development of our children and youth?

The next issue that seeks attention brought to is what areas get – funded how much? The idea that the University Grants Commission (UGC) should stop supporting universities except in a few disciplines (based solely on the whims of the global market) is truly appalling. Excellence in higher learning cannot and should not be determined by who can pay for it. Support for the universities and respect for their autonomous methodologies to advance human endeavor should be the guiding principles and not some arbitrary determination that only globalisation oriented endeavors should be pursued.

Indeed, to make the education system student-centric, the introduction of a suitable academic calendar, especially in ordinary Government schools or institutions, is a must. All political parties should agree to this. At the higher education level, at least, we have to introduce a viable mechanism of teachers’ evaluation. In this age of globalisation, we should encourage privatisation of education and the open distance mode. We could profitably start opening private universities. Our teachers should be paid for the period or days they actually work. In this case, each State should frame its own academic calendar and make a determined effort to enforce it in letter and spirit.


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