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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar


Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar saw the light of the day on April 14, 1891 at Mahu in Maharashtra. His father’s name was Shri Ramji Sukpal and his mother’s name was Bhimabai. Therefore, he was named Bhim Sukpal. From his early childhood he was sharp-witted and took keen interest in studies. He started his education in a nearby village school. There he had to face many hardships, disgrace and humiliation on account of his low birth in a Mahar family. Despite all the leg-pulling factors he did not forgo his courage and fortitude. His teacher gave him the name Ambedkar. He was married at the age of 14 with Ramabai.

 He secured a high percentage of marks at the Intermediate Examination. He got his degree in 1912 from Alfinston College, Bombay. The Maharaja of Baroda was highly impressed with the young erudite and awarded him the scholarship to proceed to America for higher education. He got M.A. degree in Economics in 1916. He remained a professor in a college for four years. However, his lust for seeking bigher education made him leave for England in 1923. There he received the degrees of M.Sc.; D.M.S; Bar-at-law and Ph.D.

On his return to India, Dr. Ambedkar held highest posts in many top institutions but his low-caste always stood in his way. His embittered heart urged him to fight for the rights of the people of low castes and depressed classes who, like him were subjected to inhuman tortures, bestial deprivation and humiliation. He decried the maltreatment meted out to him and his fellow untouchables. He strained every nerve to procure social justice for them. He formed the outcaste welfare society. He also organized the so-called untouchables and brought awakening in them to stand gracefully on their own legs. He launched a Satyagrahu on Chavdar Tank and as a result the people of all the castes sought the right to fetch water from the tank. This was his first and foremost victory. At another time he burnt a bonfire of certain disputed portions from Manusmriti.

Besides practising as a lawyer he also organized the downtrodden. He enjoyed full support from the British Government which firmly believed in the policy of divide and rule. He represented the untouchables at the Round Table Conference in 1930. The Congress had already included the removal of untouchability in her schedule. Dr. Ambedkar, however, had disagreement with Gandhi on certain issues. Anyhow, an agreement was reached to reserve seats for the Harijans in election.

Dr. Ambedkar was deadly against Brahmanism and Capitalism. He was a revolutionary to the backbone. He formed a new organisation of labourers and named it ‘Swatantra Mazdoor Dal’. The candidates of this organization bagged all the fifteen seats in the elections held at Bombay. Thereupon the people of downtrodden classes called him their Messiah who had spent his entire life for up-liftment of the lowest category of the society.

In independent India, Dr. Ambedkar was made the Chairman of the Constitution making Committee. He studied the Constitutions of all the developed countries deeply and assimilated their good points in the Indian Constitution. He can be rightly called the founding father of Indian Constitution or the modern Manu by virtue of his yeoman’s service to the nation.

This great son of India and a top-ranking reformer and national leader breathed his last on December 6, 1956. Now he belongs to the ages. He had adopted Buddhism at the fag end of his life being impressed by its elevated virtues. The people addressed him as Baba Saheb. He was awarded the title of Bharat Ratna on the eve of the celebration of his posthumous birth centenary in 1991. Many statues have been erected in his honour and many colleges have been named after him. May his soul rest in peace!


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