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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Dhiru Bhai Ambani” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Dhiru Bhai Ambani

Essay No. 01

The legend of Dhirubhai Ambani dates back to 1958 when he gave up his clerical job in Aden and moved back to Mumbai with a few thousand rupees. in his pocket and dreamt to start his own oil company.

In the next 40 years, he created a world petro-chemical and energy company.

Dhiru Bhai’s genius lay in spotting business opportunities; he exhorted to think big, think fast and think ahead.

He was an embodiment of initiative, enterprise and determination. He built a rock solid empire, very strong in its fundamentals.

Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani was an exceptional human being and an outstanding leader. A man far ahead of his times, he epitomized the dauntless entrepreneurial spirit. He dared to dream on a scale unimaginable before in Indian industry. His life and achievements prove that backed by confidence, courage and conviction man can achieve the impossible.

From a humble beginnings he built Reliance to be India’s largest private sector firm, through sheer perseverance and entrepreneurial spirit. As a true visionary he revolutionlised Indian capital market and taught businessmen to think.

From a humble beginning he went on to create an enviable business empire within a span of just 25 years. The Rs. 60,000 crore Reliance Group is a living testimony to his indomitable will, single minded dedication and an unrelenting commitment to his goals. Under Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani’s visionary leadership, the Reliance Group emerged as the largest business conglomerate in India, and carved out a distinct place for itself in the global pantheon of corporate giants. The Group’s track record of consistent growth is unparalleled in Indian industry and perhaps internationally too. Today the group’s turnover represents nearly 3% of India’s GDP.

Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani was not just only rooted in traditional Indian values, but has also the quintessentially modern man of the new millennium. This was clearly reflected in his passion for mega-sized projects, the most advanced technology and the highest level of productivity. The corporate philosophy he followed was short and simple, “Think big, Think differently” Think fast, Think ahead. Aim for the best. He inspired the reliance team to do better than the best not only in India but in the world. Prestigious awards and titles were conferred on him by national and international orgnizations. He was acclaimed as a top businessmen of the twentieth century and lauded for his dynamic pioneering and innovative genius. His success story fire the imagination of the younger generations of Indian entrepreneurs, business leaders and progressive companies. He was an icon for them—a role model to be emulated.

A number of revolutionary precedents was set by Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani for the Indian Corporate sector as he challenged conventional wisdom in several areas.

He was probably the first Indian businessman to recognise the strategic significance of investors and discover the vast untapped potential of the capital markets and channelise it for the growth and development of the industry. He was supremely confident that finance would never be a constraints in exciting his projects because, as he said proudly, Indian investors would provide him necessary resources. And the investors never let him down. Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani succeeded in creating an investor base of historic proportions for the Reliance Group. An unbreakable bond of implicit trust existed between him and the shareholders. They placed their saving in his care and he worked with unflinching seniority to get them the best returns. He brought happiness and prosperity into the homes of millions of investors.

For him his people were his most important; asset he picked up the best and most talented professionals, nurtured them continuously, propelled them to aim for still higher goals. These highly motivated people comprise the core of what he named The Reliance Family.

Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani visualised the growth of Reliance as an integral part of his Grand Vision for India. He was convinced that India could become an economic superpower within a short period of time and wanted Reliance to play an important role in releasing this goal.

The Bhagavad states : The actions of a great man are an inspiration for others, whatever he does, become a standard for other to follow. This constantly applies to Shri Dhiru Bhai.

We are fortunate to have a hard man of Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani’s stature among ourselves. His leadership qualities, remarkable foresight, uncompromising persuit of excellence, humility, prodigious capacity to motivate and trust people will continue to guide and inspire future generations. We are proud and privileged to inherit this invaluable legacy.

 Truly, men like Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani are rare. They come gifted with the power and vision to change the destiny of nations, to alter the course of history. They are the empire builders, the stuff that legends are made of; the legend called Shri Dhiru Bhai Ambani will never die. His spirit will live on forever.

He was a visionary, enterprising and motivating leader. His achievement shows that India like us is a country where enormous business success can be built through enterprise. He was a role model for entrepreneurs. He was an everlasting icon of the self made trump who ignited entrepreneurship into the world. He was a dynamic human being and proved that there are no limits to human achievements. He came from ordinary background and achieved extraordinary things. He changed the mindset of ordinary people.

Main Events of Dhirubhai Ambani’s Career:

1932—Born to school teacher near Choread in Gujrat.

1949—Goes to Aden to work with shell oil agents and Besse Company.

1958—Returns to Mumbai, floats Reliance Commercial Corporation with a capital of Rs. 15,000. Exports ginger, turmeric and other spices to West Asia before turning to textiles. 1966—Floats Reliance Textiles on a Capital of Rs. 15 lakhs.

1977—Reliance Textiles Industries issues 2.8 million shares in land-mark public issue.

1978-Reliance shows financial management. It has been a zero tax company since financial year 1977-78.

1979—Issues convertible debentures of over Rs. 400 crore. Get licence to make polyester filament yarn along with Orky Silk Mills.

1980—Co-hosts party for Congress (I) in Delhi after the Lokshabha elections; prime minister Indira Gandhi attends. Finance minister is Pranab Mukharjee R.K. Dhawan is key prime ministers side.

1982—Allegations surface of Reliance using dummy corporation name. Crocodile investments and Fiasco investments registered in the tax haven of Isle of man to purchase RIL shares at 20% market price.

1992—Reliance is offered the ever Euro Issue of Global Depositing Receipts by an Indian Company.

1993—Sales cross Rs. 4000/- crore making Reliance India’s largest private sector company.

1995—Net profit touches Rs. 1065 crore, unparalleled in the Indian Private Sector.

 1995-1997—Completion of Rs. 900 crore, Hazira Complex First Asian Company to issue bonds in US debt market.

1998—The Rs. 25,000 crore Jamnagar Petrochemicals complex and bulk of refinery complex commissions comprising; world’s largest refinery.

2001—Controversy over government decision to modify telecom policy, introspected as done to benefit Reliance force into mobile telephony Reliance unveils Rs. 25,000 crore plan.

2002—Acquires governments 20 percent stake in IPCL, India’s second largest petrochemicals company.


Essay No. 02

Dhirubhai Ambani


The Founder of the Reliable Reliance


The Man from Rags to Riches


He Never Said Die


The Polyester Prince 

On the death of Dhirubhai Harichand Ambani on July 06, 2002, a touching tribute was published in the newspapers by the members of his family and “all members of the Reliance family.”

So far, we the Indian people, as others all over the world were wont to name Napoleon Bonaparte to have said the following words — “The word ‘impossible’ is found in the dictionary of fools.”

Now we have an Indian Dhirubhai Ambani, who was no less a great man in his own field than Napoleon in his. Likewise, Dhirubhai rejected the word “impossible”, and he actually practiced what he preached. His work is an example to the whole world, particularly all the Indians work is to be done and a target actually achieved through sheer force of hard work, determination, an iron will and well-planned action The following is the top part of the tribute already mentioned:

What better tribute to this man but attempt the impossible?

If there’s one thing that defined Dhirubhai Ambani’s life, it was the fact that he never, ever, used the word “Impossible”. Just this once however, even he would have agreed that the task at hand is just that The clear-cut message the tribute conveys is given at the top in bold words. Most of the tributes and obituaries we read in the newspapers, though touching, are just stereotyped and formalistic. But, here is a one which not only contemplates but urges us to action on positive lines, while at the same time rightly eulogizing the departed soul in its own way.

Dhirubhai Ambani who breathed his last on July 6, 2002, has become a legend. He is a household word and there is hardly an educated Indian who hasn’t heard his name. That he lived a full and useful life for himself and for others need not be stressed. And his case was almost the same as from rags to riches and that is real flavour that lends charm to this charismatic man.

The “Polyester Prince”, as he is sometimes called, had a humble beginning. His real name was Dhirajlal Hiralal Ambani, but he is better known as Dhirubhai Ambani.

At the age of 17, he made Aden his home where he started working as a gas station attendant for Besse and Co. He had great dreams even at that time and with exceptionally hard work, perseverance steadfastness and meticulous planning he was able to realize his dreams perhaps more than he had ever thought of.

After returning to India in 1958, he set up Reliance Commercial Corporation and that was the real beginning of his incredible rise to dizzy heights. He started import and export business. Whereas he imported polyester yarn, he exported spices and general merchandise from India.

It did not take him many years to start Reliance Textiles with “Vimal” as the brand name. “Vimal” became a common word in every household in India, especially among the women. It was known for its quality and reasonable rates. The popularity of “Vimal” gave Ambani’s efforts an impetus for rapid progress. His progress forward was not so easy as it seemed. He had to overcome several hurdles. The greatest hurdle was the license-permit-quota raj, which was prevalent at that time. Because of this, it was very difficult for a new entrant to strike roots. is said that Ambani had even to use some unethical ways and means to penetrate this system. Though his method might be criticized, his intention could not be doubted. After all, the faulty system was not his own making and he was obliged to work under some compulsions and however, we may ‘censure him for some manipulation, we cannot be but clear in our mind that had he not done what he did under the compulsions of circumstances, he would not have been such a great man and the country would have lost a great brain, mind and heart in wilderness.

His ability to pull the strings behind the curtains became evident when he was able to ensure the attendance of Mrs. Indira Gandhi herself at a party hosted by him in 1980 on the victory of the Congress in the General Elections. Indira Gandhi was particularly inclined to help him in his ventures. Patalganga Project is a glaring example in this context. His similar power behind the scenes was proved when in 1985, V.P. Singh the then Finance Minister, was dropped from the government.

Dhirubhai had the acumen to hobnob with any government. Only V.P. Singh eluded his net and he was deadly against him. In 1989, during V.P. Singh’s reign, it was rumored that Larsen and Tubro was going to take over Reliance. But, it was highly speculative as well as spectacular, how BJP all of a sudden withdrew its support to the government of V.P. Singh, which embarrassed even V.P. Singh himself. The result was all ill favour of Ambani and he could now march forward practically unhindered.

He was capable of forestalling the moves of his competitors quite shrewdly. This he did most consummately in 1982. He was able to perceive the impending hammering of Reliance shares by Bears at the Bombay Stock Exchange. He rose to the occasion and exhorted his brokers to make huge purchases of Reliance shares and avert the possible crisis. He was instrumental effectively in saving the company from getting Pulled down. The bears had to cut a sorry figure and retreat with heavy losses.

One great example of his astute knowledge of business practice can be gathered from a simple fact. Whereas other businessmen depended heavily on bank loans, Ambani avoided this route. Instead, he approached straightaway the customers and investors asking them to buy his share while promising huge returns. He had the way, which convinced his investors who reposed faith in him. He thus fulfilled not only his own dreams but also those of his investors, many of whom became millionaires just within a few years.

Another route which Ambani used was the convertible debenture route besides Global Depository Receipt (GDR) and American Depository Receipt (ADR) issues.

Today Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) is the largest private enterprise in India. In his death, Dhirubhai left an empire of 65000 crore behind him which his worthy sons, Anil and Mukesh, are watching and expanding. Forbes listed Ambani as the 138th richest person in world during the year of survey.

In June 2005 Reliance group of Companies divided between Mukesh and Anil Ambani. The operational company in verticals like exploration and production, petrochemicals, refineries and marketing is controlled by Mukesh, while the holdings of RIL in different companies like Reliance Energy, Reliance Infocomm, Reliance Capital and others are managed by Anil.

Ambani is a beacon-light to the enterprising young people and all those who want to make tremendous progress for themselves, for the people and the country. One should only bear his image in mind and never say die. Hard work, meticulous planning, shrewd study of market perseverance, optimism, fairness in dealing with and customers other positive qualities which characterized Ambani’s personality can I lead anybody to success who takes a leaf out of his book.


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