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Letter to uncle for his birthday gift, informal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes

Letter to uncle for his birthday gift.


72 Kareem Baksh Road

Ilahi Street,

Qadian (Punjab)

18 September, 20147

My dear Uncle

Yesterday my birthday was celebrated with usual fervour. All my friends and relatives were present. I felt your absence greatly.

However, quite in the midst of the celebrations, the postman delivered the parcel from you. I opened it with bated breath and was overjoyed when I found the beautiful glittering gold wrist watch in it.

I at once wore the watch on my wrist and I am glad to say that it keeps correct time to the fraction of a second. I was in dire need of a watch. Now I’ll never be late for school.

Uncle, I do not find the words enough to thank you. Simply accept my humble thanks and do attend my next birthday in person.

Convey my compliments to aunt.

Yours affectionately

( Vineet )



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