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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Tirthankar Mahavir” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Tirthankar Mahavir



Tirthankar Mahavir was born in April, 599 B.C. at Vaishali (Bihar). His nick name was Vardhaman, as just after his birth there was increase in the crops production. His father’s name was Siddhartha and mother’s name was Trisala Devi. He was their second son. In Jain religion from Rishabhadeva to Parshanath — there were 23 Tirthankars and Mahavir was 24th Tirthankar.

As per Jain religion, Non-violence (ahimsa), Truthfulness, Brahmacharyya, Plain living, Non-stealing etc. are taken as a vow (practising certain religious rites). Mahavir practised these vows in his own life.

Jains are divided in two classes — Swetambars and Digambars. Digambars perform some rituals, viz. nakedness (not wearing any cloth), begging from door to door, not to mix with any female etc. Swetambars are quite opposite. Mahavir was under the Digam oar cult. He married Yasoda and their only daughter’s name was Priyadarsana. Since boyhood, Mahavir was practising austerities — long fasting, begging for meals, not to talk with anybody, practising japas etc. Love of truth and firm determination to stick to it, not to deviate from it under any circumstances was the guiding principle of Mahavir.

He travelled throughout Northern India to preach his sermons and beliefs. Firstly, he went to Rajagriha (Rajgir) near Nalanda in Bihar. His teachings are — first, have faith in yourselves, then comes truth, purity and unselfishness — these are absolutely necessary to follow the religious or pious life. He had preached the doctrine of Sraddh;1 or genuine faith in one’s ownself and everything else was found to follow. Also, he preached that our first duty was not to hate ourselves, because to progress in religious life. We must have faith in ourselves and then in God.

Not only the Kings or Jamindars and their subordinates became his disciples, many great scholars, notable persons and common people also became his followers. Primarily, the people from the Central and Northern India viz. Varanasi, Shrabasti, Kausambi, Champa, Rajgir, Nalanda etc. were adopted his teachings and their numbers were ever increasing. In the period of Mahavir, Jain religion spread out very rapidly and we found it from writings of scholars and historians of India and abroad. During his time learned Jain scholars inspired their people for the study of grammar, literature. drama, science, maths, astronomy etc. by which India’s cultural heritage flourished in different fields.

For the advancement of Indian art and culture, Jain sculptural and architectural work placed a leading role. As for instances, the marble statues of Sravanavelagola (Karnataka), Ellora, Carvings of Dilwara temples ( in Mt. Abu), Uclaigiri, Khandagiri (Orissa), Girnar etc. are important.

Lord Buddha and Mahavir were present at the same period. Loth of them preached their own religion, viz. Buddhism and Jainism. Buddhism is abolished from India but Jainism is still survive. 

The story of Tirthankar Mahavir’s divine life, his practice of austerities, extremely hard labour, self-castigation, his unimaginable attainments and the Mission (spreading Jainism) for which he descended are astonishing. Mahavir returned back to his heavenly abode in 527 B.C.



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