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Indian Concept of Minorities | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Indian Concept of Minorities Scheme of the Essay: Exposition: The word ‘minorities’ forms a part of popular political vocabulary but its connotation is fallacious. Rising Action: It is used to denote non-Hindu religious communities. Climax: Minorities cannot be based on religious differences. Indian society is most ubiquitous and inequity is associated with social communities. Two such communities of one community may be disadvantaged in one region but not in the other....
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Nationalisation of Banks | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Nationalisation of Banks Scheme of the essay Exposition: Socialistic pattern of society demands nationalisation. Rising Action: Banks play an important role in the functioning of the economy. Climax: Public ownership will eliminate the use of bank credit for unproductive purposes. A welfare State should not ignore public interest. It is wrong to say that people in power will get credit from banks. Nationalisation does not lead to inefficiency. Nationalised banks will...
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Relevance of Gandhian Economics Today | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Relevance of Gandhian Economics Today Scheme of the essay Exposition: Gandhiji wanted economics to be three-fourths spiritual. Rising Action: Gandhiji never recognised economics to be unrelated to the environment. Climax: (1) We need spiritualised economics to eradicate poverty, unemployment and disease. (2) Massive foreign investment will lead to mafia power and corruption. (3) The subversion and weakening of the national will have made its client people increasingly dependent on statecraft. (4)...
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Should Public Sector Be Restructured or Abolished | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Should Public Sector Be Restructured or Abolished Scheme of the essay Expositions: The investment in the Public Sector had been very high but the return had been very low Rising Action: High-level committees have suggested restructuring of the Public sector. Climax: (1) Functional autonomy should be given (2) MOU was to keep bureaucrats at a distance but it is not practised. (3) The relationship of the Public Sector with the Minister...
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Oil Crisis and the World Economy | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Oil Crisis and the World Economy Scheme of the essay Exposition: Many factors are responsible for the continuous soaring of oil prices. Rising Action: India has been able to absorb the shock because of the rise in exports but the condition of other developing countries is worse. Climax: (1) Non-oil producing, developing countries are facing a balance of payment deficit, falling growth rates, and increasing unemployment, (2) There is a general...
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Role of the Public Sector in the Indian Economy | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

Role of the Public Sector in the Indian Economy Scheme of the Essay Exposition: After independence, India adopted a mixed economy. Rising Action: This type of economy was adopted because private entrepreneurs were not forthcoming. Climax: (1) The public sector has developed core industries. (2) It has helped in the dispersal of industries. (3) Foreign collaboration and help were possible through the public sector only. (4) The public sector can help...
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What Ails Economic Reforms | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

What Ails Economic Reforms Scheme of the essay Exposition: Gross inefficiency ails India Rising Action: I confine to four specific changes Climax: (1) The government must infuse life into the reform process. (2) Pay commission should give pay increases to civil servants and cut the size of bureaucracy. (3) Instead of giving export incentives the government should advertise goods. (4) The government should promote education to build up human capital. (5)...
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I.M.F’s Intervention in Third World | Social Issue Essay, Article, Paragraph for Class 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.

I.M.F’s Intervention in Third World Scheme of the essay Exposition: IMF through its structural adjustment programmes has harmed the third world economy. Rising Action: Some say that the IMF should not advocate unsustainable policies. Climax: (1) Austerity measures of IMF result in political unrest. (2) Structural adjustment produces political unrest. (3) Successive IMF programmes disenchanted people with their govt.’s profligacy. Ending: No government can go ahead with economic reforms without risking...
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