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List of 30 Important Personal Letters for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

List of Important Personal Letters

  1. Write a letter describing your visit to a country house.
  2. Write a letter to a friend congratulating him/her on having bagged the first prize in an elocution competition.
  3. Write a letter to your mother describing your experience in the S.S.C. examination hall.
  4. Write a letter of conciliation to your friend.
  5. Write a letter to a friend who has recently lost his father.
  6. An intimate friend of yours has been recently separated from you owing to his/her father’s transfer to Mumbai. Write a letter to him/her saying how much you miss him/her.
  7. Write a letter to your sister who has passed the S.S.C. Examination, urging her to join a Home Science College.
  8. Write a letter to a cousin requesting him to stay with you in the Summer Vacation.
  9. Write a letter to your mother, describing some amusing scene you have recently seen.
  10. Your married sister is away in a foreign land. Write a letter to her describing the events at home during the last 2 months.
  11. Write a letter to your younger sister, describing your experiences at a holiday camp, where you have just stayed for a week.
  12. Write a letter to your younger brother, persuading him to form good habits.
  13. Write a letter to an absent-minded uncle who has sent you for your birthday a copy of the same book that he sent you at Diwali.
  14. You have returned from a visit to your uncle. Write a letter thanking him for his kindness and hospitality.
  15. A letter from a scout living in his camp requesting his parents to come and see him on a Visitors’ day, giving all necessary information.
  16. A letter from a youth to his younger brother offering him advice on the choice of a career.
  17. A letter from a student to his father to allow him to join the Institute of Naval Training after passing the S.S.C. Examination.
  18. Write a letter to a friend informing him that you are organizing a cultural programme, the proceeds of which will go to the Poor Boys’ Fund in your school. Request your friend to help you, in your efforts.
  19. A Student writes a letter to his father requesting him to allow him to go during the Diwali holidays on a tour arranged by his School.
  20. An accident to the train detained a boy/girl for a night on a wayside station. A letter from him/her to the mother relating the experience.
  21. A letter to a cousin giving him advice about sending his son/daughter to an English-medium school.
  22. Write a letter to your friend requesting him/her to join you on an all-India tour which you propose to do on foot.
  23. Write a letter of apology to a friend of yours whose bicycle you have damaged in a street accident, explaining the circumstances in which it was damaged.
  24. To your sister. She has passed her B. A. Examination creditably. Congratulate her. 25. To your cousin. Request him for the loan of his film projector.
  25. To your younger brother. He has failed at the 9th standard annual examination. Give him comfort and useful guidance.
  26. To a friend. You think you have forgotten your camera at his place. Write to him about it.
  27. To a country friend. Describe to him your city/town.
  28. To your aunt. Respond to her invitation to spend the Diwali holidays with her.
  29. To an English pen-friend. His city has been caught in a snow-storm. Make suitable inquiries.


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