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Essay on “United Nations Organization(U.N.O)” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

United Nations Organization(U.N.O)

Best 5 Essay on “United Nations Organization UNO”

Essay No. 01

The U.N.O. was formed in 1945 after the end of the Second World War. After the bitter experience of two world wars in 25 years, the necessity for forming a United National Organization, with greater powers than the League of  Nations, was discussed first at Dumbarton Oaks Conference in October 1944.  It was finally put into shape by the delegates of 51 nations assembled at San Francisco of the world is it,s members. Every year 24th October is celebrated as the U.N. Day throughout the world. The headquarters of the U.N. is in New York.

The U.N.O  is a committee of nations. The original need was for the world body to strive and keep peace in the world after the end of the Second World War. The brains behind the big move were the Big Three- Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. A conference was called at San Francisco which was attended by all the Allied Powers. It prepared a charter of international peace- the Atlantic Charter. Ironically enough, the Atlantic Charter was hammered home on the Pacific coast of San Francisco! The official languages of the U.N.  are English, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, and Spanish. The working languages are English and French only.     

The first committee of the U.N.O was the Security Council. It had five permanent members – the U.S.A., Russia, United Kingdom,  France, and Nationalist China – who were equally vested with the right of veto over any questions so that unless and until all these five powers agreed upon a question, it could not be carried through in the Security Council. That precedent continues right up to now. Only that China is not Communist China represented there, but China and the Unseating of Formosa have been one of the most burning topics in the U.N.O.

The other units of the U.N.O are the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of justice, and the Trusteeship Council. Each member–nation is represented in the General Assembly but the Security of Council has only 11 members of which five are permanent and the rest elected by the General Assembly by rotation.

Another wing is the International Court of Justice appointed by the General Assembly at the Hague. One of the most popular wings of the U.N.O.  is U.N.E.S.C.O. (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) which is headquartered in Paris. The U.N.O. itself has its headquarters in New York.          

The U.N.O shares great responsibilities without having equally great powers. It has done a solid job in Korea, Indo- China, Suez, and the Congo in preventing major international conflict and maintaining peace and order in the afflicted countries. The biggest achievement of the United Nations since its existence is that it has prevented the repetition of the holocaust of the Second World War, which left an estimated 30 million people dead. It has successfully intervened in regional and global conflicts to stop the outbreak of another war. The Indo- China War, the Arab- Israel War, and the superpower confrontation in Cuba in 1961 bear ample testimony to the significant role played by the United Nations in its peacekeeping efforts. Indian troops have played a great part in all these theaters of conflict and clash. In other fields, the U.N.O has equally proved beneficial to humanity. It is trying to give man freedom from ignorance and disease also. Various UN agencies such as  UNESCO and ILO,  have contributed a good deal in alleviating a lot of the world’s unprivileged people. The UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) and UN peace Keeping forces have brought succor to millions of people affected by regional conflicts and wars.

It has been proposed that the UNO should have an army of its own and it should also be entrusted with legislative powers for the whole world. But this dream is still to be fulfilled. The U.N.O has become a hotbed of politics. Only the sanity in the world leaders can save this organization as well as humanity.


Essay No. 02


The United Nations Organisation


The United Nations Organisation (UNO), the world-body, was established on October 24, 1945, after the Second World War. It was set up mainly for the prevention of future wars with its headquarters at New York (U.S.A.) and the European office at Geneva. In the beginning, there were 51 States who had opted for their members but now the number of member nations has risen to 159.

The aims and objectives of the U.N. are:

(i) To maintain international peace and security.

(ii) To develop friendly relations among nations based on the principle of equal rights and self-determination of all people.

(iii) To help solve international problems—economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian.

 (iv) To promote respect for human rights, dignity, and freedom.

The U.N. believes in the principle of sovereign equality for all member States. It believes that all member States shall settle their disputes by negotiations and peaceful manners. The member States shall refrain from any threat or use of force against the political independence, or territorial integrity of any other State. The member States will not render any assistance to a State against which the U.N. has taken action. The U.N. will not intervene in any matter which is essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State.

The membership of this World body is open to all peace-loving countries who believe in the aims and objects of the Organisation. New members are made on the recommendations of the Security Council. Members can be expelled or suspended in the same fashion. There are six main organs of the U.N.: (1) General Assembly, (2) Security Council, (3) Secretariat, (4) Economic and Social Council, (5) Trusteeship Council, and (6) the International Court of Justice.

The General Assembly, consisting of the representatives of all the member countries, meets every year for a couple of months. Every country has only one vote but can send 5 delegates. Every vote has equal importance irrespective of the size, population, etc., of a member country. All important issues decided by the General Assembly need a two-thirds majority, but in ordinary matters, a simple majority is enough.

Next is the Security Council. It is the executive body of the U.N. It is responsible for maintaining world peace and security. Its five permanent members are U.K, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., France, and China. The 10 non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term. The five permanent members have veto power and its resolution can be passed only unanimously. Its presidency is held for one month in rotation by representatives of its member countries in alphabetical order. Since the permanent member States have veto power, the votes of non-permanent member States do not carry the same weight. The non-permanent members include five from Afro-Asian countries, two from Latin-American countries, two from European countries, and one from East European countries. The Security Council functions almost all the 12 months of the year. Its session can be called at 24 hours’ notice. Its decision requires only nine votes out of fifteen including five of the permanent members.

The Secretariat of the U.N., headed by the Secretary-General, is responsible for the smooth functioning of every department of the organization. The Secretary-General is appointed for a term of five years by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. He is responsible to implement the decisions taken by the Security Council and the General Assembly. He can bring to the notice of the Security Council any matter which he thinks is a threat to world peace and security.

The Trusteeship Council is responsible for the supervision and administration of Trust Territories placed under its jurisdiction. The Trusteeship Council looks after the interests of the people of territories that are not yet fully self-governing.

The Economic and Social Council looks after the world’s economic, social, cultural, health, and other such matters. The Council makes studies in respect of world economic, social, cultural-educational, health and such other related matters and then presents a report to the General Assembly with its recommendations. It has 54 members which are elected for a three-year term. One-third of its members retire annually. It functions through its,12 commissions.

International Court of Justice is the main judicial organ of the U.N. It consists of 15 judges who are elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council for a term of nine years. The court elects its President and Vice-President for a term of three years. No two judges can be from the same country. Its headquarters are at The Hague in the Netherlands, but it may have its sitting elsewhere as well wherever it thinks it desirable. All member countries are parties to the court. The member countries or the Security Council may refer any dispute to the Court. The different organs of the U.N. may ask a from-Wan advisory opinion on any legal matter. The judges of the court are elected on the basis of their legal qualifications and experience and not on their nationality.

Besides these above organs of the U.N., there are many other specialized Agencies like I.L.O., F.A.O., UNESCO, I.C.A.O., W.H.O., UNICEF, I.M.F., etc., to help this World body achieve and implement its objectives and schemes. These Agencies being concerned with all the basic, economical, cultural, and educational problems of the world play a significant role in promoting international cooperation and in improving the living standards of the people of the world. These Agencies are doing immense good to mankind in such areas as economic development, human rights, international trade, care of refugees, education, agriculture, health, housing, child and mother care, family planning, etc. Thus, the allegation that UNO is a useless organization is not true. No doubt it has not been able to maintain world peace to the extent it was expected, but it is helpless because it has simply a moral authority and power of persuasion.


Essay No. 03

The United Nations Organization

Every now and then we find trouble spots in the world. Sometimes the Middle East becomes the arena of warfare and sometimes the Far East becomes the field of the fray. Sometimes the situation worsens to such an extent that small wars turn into bigger wars. The United Nations Organization was formed after the expiry of the Second World War to promote world peace and international cooperation.

Before the U.N.O., there was the League of Nations which was formed after the end of the First World War. But this body had failed to establish peace in the world for various reasons. The major reason behind it was that the great powers such as U.S.A., Germany, and Japan had left this body and the League of Nations did not enjoy much power to control these nations in the event of an outbreak of war. Hitler became more powerful and he endangered the peace of Europe. But he was defeated in the Second World War, as a result of joint and persistent efforts of the allied nations. Where after the U.N.O. was formed in a Conference of about three dozen nations held at San Francisco in 1945, where the U.N. Charter was adopted and the U.N.O. was formed. The U.N.O. assumes much greater powers to maintain peace in the world.

The U.N.O. has got several organs and agencies for doing work on an international scale in different spheres. The main organs of the U.N.O. are the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat. There are various agencies such as the World Food Organization, the World Health Organization. Economic and Social Council and UNESCO etc. which work in different spheres.

The U.N. Security Council enjoys Veto Power which vests in the hands of the Five Permanent members i.e., Russia, Great Britain, China, France, and the U.S.A. Thus veto power safeguards the individual interests of the superpowers who are permanent members. The Security Council has some non-permanent members also who are elected for a two-year term. The Security Council is always in session and every member of the U.N.O. may present the questions of breach of peace and other problems of vital importance before the Security Council. She is empowered to take action against the aggressor immediately. It can be in the form of an economic boycott or in the form of induction of U.N. troops there to combat the danger to the country concerned. And thus we see that the Security Council has got vast and greater powers in comparison to the League of Nations.

The General Assembly is a sort of World Parliament and its membership at the beginning of 1996 was 185. Every small and big country has one vote only.

The International Court of Justice with its Headquarters at The Hague decides cases of international importance where the canons of international law are alleged to have been violated by any member. The Kutch dispute of India was brought before this court and it decided it. Thus many boundary disputes are presented before this court for decision.

The other agencies are working within their own sphere for the betterment of the world community. Thus, many disputes were brought before the U.N.O., such as the Iranian dispute, the Syrian and Lebanese dispute, the Indonesian dispute. The Trieste problem, the Suez Crisis, and many such disputes, were also settled by the U.N.O. The U.N.O. also helped the Black races of Africa attain independence. Some of these countries have already become independent.

Thus U.N.O. is trying to maintain peace in the world when the nuclear powers are trying to augment their nuclear arsenals. These atomic devices have become a potential source of danger for world peace.

The U.N.O. is trying to bring the superpowers together, to come to an understanding and thus end the state of tension in the world. The U.N.O. is the only guarantee of peace and prosperity in the world. It is due to the efforts of the U.N.O. that since 1945 there has been no international war. On the U.N. Platform, the superpowers discuss their problems and thus the U.N.O. is functioning as a successful World Parliament.

The U.N.O. is trying to help the poor nations build their economies. The U.N.O. provides help to those people who are in the pangs of a calamity. Thus, the U.N.O. is trying to secure independence for the colonies striving for freedom.

Many of them have become free today. The U.N.O. is the guarantee of peace in the world undoubtedly.

The U.N. celebrated its 50th anniversary in October 1995. The anniversary ceremony was designed as a celebration of the UN’s accomplishment in its first fifty years.

Essay No. 04


In the year of 1945, the United Nations Organisation came into being as the successor of the League of Nations. It began with fifty nations as its members but now it has 185 member nations accounting for almost all the countries of the entire earth except Switzerland. The nations are the members of the UN General Assembly, the world body’s chief deliberate organ. All the other wings are answerable to it through annual and special periodical reports submitted for its consideration. The General Assembly, discusses the reports and gives its approvals, elects the General Secretary and the judges of the International Court of Justice, admits new members to the Assembly, and also elects the non-permanent members of various councils. There are the Economic and Social Council, The Trusteeship council besides the International Court, General Assembly, and the Security Council. The General Secretary is the Chief Administrative Office of the world body who heads the UN Secretariat. He presides over the General Assembly meetings and those of other organs of U.N.

In addition to the above main organs, the UNO has several other specialized agencies like ILO (International Labour Organisation), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), UNCTAD (UnitedNations Council for Trade And Development), WHO (World Health Organisation), etc. These agencies help the parent body in working out agreements on various- related matters to them and in achieving different objectives and goals. WHO, for example, plans step to achieve the highest possible level of good health for the entire human population of the earth.



Essay No. 05

The United Nations came into existence in the year 1945 i.e. the year in which World War II came to an end. The World War II had caused great miseries and destruction throughout the world. Cities and towns were ruined and industries destroyed. Hundreds and thousands of people lost their lives and livelihood. Then mankind could understand that waging wars of this magnitude was the greatest folly. It became clearly evident that the next world war would be far fiercer which could destroy the whole of humanity and the world. It was thought that enormous wealth which is spent on wars could be used to bring happiness, prosperity and development for all the nations. It was this very thought that gave birth to the establishment of the United Nations

The first and foremost aim of United Nations Organization (UNO) known as U.N. is to promote peace and security for every nation by avoiding every kind of war. UNO also made a declaration of human rights which included right of every human being to live as a free citizen and have equal rights to education, travel, worship and no discrimination based on religion or sex. The UNO has been trying very hard to implement these human rights through the active support and cooperation of the member nations. During the last fifty eight years of its existence, UNO, through its most important organ the Security Council, is trying its best to maintain peace among the member countries. It is always ready to listen to the problems of the member countries and tries to sort out them through discussions at various forums. During this period, UNICEF which is another agency of UNO is helping various countries in programmes of education of children, in teacher training, in the education of disabled children etc.

Many countries have been benefited from the works of UNICEF. One such programme in India is ‘Anganwadi’ for the development of poor children for their education, health and entertainment. Another important organisation of the UNO is the World Health Organisation (WHO) which is helping nations to improve their health services by preventing spread of diseases.

UNO has still on hand various problems with which it started fifty eight years back. These problems are many and varied out of which world peace and security of each nation are the basic problems. Then there are problems of poor health, lack of education, uncontrollable population growth, poverty in many countries and illiteracy. Now everything depends upon how all these problems are tackled. The UNO has taken the lead role in preventing the use of atomic and other destructive weapons. Now there are signs that the world is gradually realizing the dangers in production and piling up of destructive weapons.

The outbreak of war on various occasions has been prevented by the U.N.O. A war between England and Egypt over the question of Suez Canal was prevented and it checked the Korean War & Arab-Israel war from turning into a world war. In fact, UNO is the only hope of world peace in the present scenario. It is the efforts of UNO that ceasefire could be achieved between Iraq and Iran and thus a decade old war was stopped. During the Gulf war also, it was the role of UNO that it could be stopped from turning into a World War. It has also tried to solve the problem of Kashmir between India and Pakistan, though this issue is still lingering on and Pakistan is trying to take advantage of everything and at the same time creating terror in the valley.

Many countries think that UNO is dominated by the US block and it is not able to work impartially. They believe that UNO could not do anything to solve the problem of Vietnam which was attacked by USA in a very severe manner. Also the genocide of East Bengal could not be stopped by it. Even Israel invaded Lebanon and massacred thousands of innocent Palestinians and UNO could not do anything. The big five countries make the working of UNO ineffective by exercising their veto power at the time of crucial decisions. It was only after twenty-five long years of efforts that Red China got its appropriate status in this organization However, in spite of all such shortcomings, the membership of UNO is increasing with the passage of time and always more & more countries are opting to be member of the UNO. To make it a big success, it requires the help and cooperation of all the member nations. It is essential that membership of the Security Council should be increased so as to give this organisation a universal look for welfare of mankind. No single country (USA) should be allowed to dominate the proceedings of this organisation. This world power rather should work with a constructive and progressive attitude towards all the nations.


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  1. Belnia Marak says:

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  2. Belnia Marak says:

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