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Essay on “Social Service” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Social Service

Essay No. 01

There is a close relationship between society and man. They are interdependent. If there are no men there is no society and man in turn cannot exist without society. Man is a social animal. He has to depend on society of the fulfillment of his desires. It is society that gives him law and order, roads, hospitals. In return it is the duty of a man to do something for the good of society and also in himself through sincere social service.

All citizens should realize their duty towards society and should try to inculcate the spirited of social service among children. Red-cross, scouting, N.C.C. and A.C.C. should be encouraged in educational institutions. Social service camps should be frequently organized at convenient times. These activities provide a good opportunity for students to develop the habit of doing social service.

India needs citizens who can volunteer their services for the good of the nation. The greatest evil that is cutting into the vitals of the country is illiteracy. Govt. alone cannot remove it. If all educated persons, specially students and teachers, devote themselves to this work the problem will be solved very soon in long vacations they can go to the villages in small groups in order to teach the villagers how to read and write.

The villagers suffer from diseases due to their ignorance. They generally think that diseases are the result of the anger of gods. Therefore instead of taking proper medicines they begin to worship some god or goddess. It will be a treat social service it se can enlighten them on this subject. Lecture with the help of magic lantern and free distribution of medicines can help the villagers a lot. Similarly we may go top hospitals and health centers and do some service to the suffering people.

There is much scope for service at fairs, festivals and other gatherings. Restoring lost children and lost property to the right persons will be very helpful. Providing first aid, making water arrangements and controlling the crowd prove at the end of the months calamities one should be ready to the help the society as much as one can.

Govt. is trying to improve the economic conditions of the country. We can do a lot of social service in this respect. Through occasional social service all our plans will be useless if we do not have the spirit of social service in us. Let us spread the idea of social service as far as possible and thereby help in building a happier and more beautiful India.

Essay No. 02

Social Service

It is rightly observed that service of mankind is the service of God. It is the primary duty of man to serve the needy, less privileged and down-trodden fellow-beings. We must not selfish. We must look to the welfare of those who live around us. Our prosperity is of no avail if the people near us live a life of want and misery. We all are the equal inheritors of the gifts and wealth of nature. Those who roll in riches should give food to the hungry, clothes to the naked and shelter to the hopeless. Those who are sick and physically disabled should be helped according to their needs. Some people are compelled to commit crimes because of poverty. Some die because they have no money for medical treatment. We must become their benefactors. While doing social service, we must not be swayed by the narrowness of feelings. All should be treated alike. Moreover, one should not have any ulterior motive while serving others.


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