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Essay on “Indira Gandhi” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Shrimati Indira Gandhi

The first lady Prime Minister

9 Best Essays on “Indira Gandhi”

Essay No. 01

After the death of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri, Shrimati Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister of India in 1966. She established her worth and emerged as the strongest Prime Minister and the President of the Congress Party. The Congress Party was divided as soon ashen took reign of the country but she overcame all hurdles and proved that congress was the real congress party.

            She was born on Nov. 19, 1917, at Anand Bhawan at Allahabad in U.P. Her grandparents fondly called her ‘Indu whaler her parents named her ‘Priyadarshni’. She received her education at several places because of her father Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was mostly in prison. Her Primary education was completed at Allahabad. Then she was sent to A Poona. Later on, she was shifted to Oxford and after this, she was sent to Switzerland, she, however, completed her education at Shanti Niketan under the table guidance of Shri Ravindra Nath Tagore.

As a student, she took keep interested in Political movements in the country. She formed ‘Vanar Sena’ and recruited 6000 members in it at the age of 12 only. For taking part in the freedom movement she was sent to prison with thousand others. She worked with Mahatma Gandhi and was made the President of the Congress party in 1959 due to her abilities and farsightedness. In 1964, she became the Minister of Information and broadcasting in the Cabinet of Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri.

            In the beginning, many of her supporters thought they would influence her to get their interests fulfilled, but it was wrong to think as she took tough decisions independently and asserted her authority. During her tenure as Prime Minister, she had to face many storms in the country as well as in her party. But by dexterity, she came out as triumphant in them. She imposed an emergency to crush the fast-growing terrorism in Punjab. She nationalized 14 Banks in the country at the end of the month as she gave her wholehearted support in its formation and sent the Indian military to defeat Pakistan.

350 Words Essay


Essay No. 2


Indira Gandhi

Mrs. Indira Gandhi is the first woman Prime Minister of the largest democracy in the world. She led the country to the path of peace and prosperity. She performed her duties to the satisfaction of the people. She learned her politics at the knee of her illustrious father. She had a sharp mind, a strong will, and a dedicated spirit. She was not only popular in India but in the whole world.

She was born on Nov. 19, 1917. She was brought up in a family full of political activities and a love of country. So the family atmosphere had a great influence on her mind. She got her education at Allahabad, Oxford, and Shanti Niketan. In 1942 she was married to Mr. Feroz Gandhi, a Parsi Youth. He died in 1960, she had two sons- Rajiv and Sanjay. Indira Gandhi was the worthy daughter of a worthy father. She was a born politician. After the death of her mother, she had a very difficult time. In her early life, she jumped into polities.

She had been a member of the Indian National Congress. In 1959 she was elected President of National Congress. It was only after the death of her father that she became the Minister of information and Broadcasting. After the untimely death of Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri in 1966 was elected Prime Minister of India.

She held the great office for about 17 years. During her period of reign, she led the country to a place of honor. It was under her leadership in 1971, that India defeated Pakistan and broke its back forever. She nationalized all the major banks and abolished privy purses. These were two bold steps.

In 1975, the opposition parties revolted after the historical judgment of Justice  Sinha. To put all opposition down she declared a state of Internal Emergency. This brought her defeat in the general election of 1977. She was in hot water for a period of two and a half years. In the mid-term poll, held in January 1980 she won back her lost position.

Now she had to face many challenges. The demand of ‘Khalistan’ made her restless. The whole of Punjab came in the grip of terrorism. These two things turned the Golden Temple into a fortress. The Akalis presented a great challenge to her. As a custodian of the country’s unity, she had to order the army to enter the Golden Temple. It freed the temple complex from terrorists.

On the back Wednesday morning of 31st October 1984, at 9.18 A.M. she was shot dead at her residence by two of her own security guards named Beant Singh and Satwant Singh. She died after a few hours.

She was impressed by the life of Rani Laxmi Bai of India and Joan of Arc of Europe. She became the third Prime Minister of India in 1966. She was considered only a doll by a group of Congress politicians who through themselves to be king makes. But this doll proved herself a lioness. She was a bold and courageous woman. She never hesitated in taking the toughest decisions. She led India to victory during the 1971 war with Pakistan. She ended the war in the formation of Bangladesh. She was Principles. Her 20 point program was a bold way to bring prosperity to the poor. She was a woman of vision, courage, and foresight. She was a woman of vision, courage, and foresight. She was the worthy daughter of the worthy parents. She was a woman who made history to perform her duty.

600 Words Essay


Essay No. 03

Iron Lady of Indian Indira Gandhi

Except for Margaret Thatcher of Britain, there was no women leader taller than Indira Gandhi. During her 15 years of rule, she dominated national as well as international scenarios. Her creation of Bangladesh from East Pakistan after the Bangladesh war was a daring act. This act established her as a strong leader all over the world. Indira was born on 19th November 1917 to Kamla Nehru and Jawahar Lal Nehru, first prime minister of independent India, at Anand Bhavan in Allahabad. When she was born she was named Priyadarshini. Her early education took place under the guidance of her parents and grandfather. Later on, she was enrolled at Shantiniketan. But she had to leave Shantiniketan and accompany her mother to Germany for treatment of tuberculosis. When she completed her schooling, she was admitted to Oxford University in England. On March 26, 1942, Indira Priyadarshini Nehru and Feroze Gandhi got married at Anand Bhavan in Allahabad. Her political life started when she joined the female members of the household in nursing the victims of police brutality. She constituted her first political brigade known as ‘Vanar Sena’ and worked as an auxiliary group to Congress Party. Politics was in Indira Gandhi’s blood. She actively participated in the freedom struggle throughout the pre-independence era. Many times she was sent to jail. Post-independence she got actively involved with her father in the resurrection of the nation. Meanwhile, her relationship with Feroz Gandhi soured. She assumed the role of her father’s official hostess. After the death of her father, when Shri Lal Bhadur Shastri took the reigns of the nation she was allocated Information and Broadcasting ministry. When Shastri died in 1966, the Congress party elected has the Prime Minister. Indira was popular not only with the liberals but also with the minorities such as the Muslims and the Harijan.

Indira Gandhi’s initial stint as prime minister was some less than brilliant. To eradicate poverty, Mrs. Gandhi pursued a forceful policy of land reform in 1969 and placed a ceiling I1 personal income, private property, and corporate profits. She also nationalized the major banks, a bold step amidst a growing rift between herself and the party elders. The Congress expelled her for ‘indiscipline’ on November 12, 1969, an action that split the party into two factions: the Congress (0)—for Organisation— under Morarji Desai and the Congress (R)—for Requisition—under Indira Gandhi. She continued as the Prime Minister with support from communists, Sikhs, and regional parties. She again firmly established herself at the pinnacle of power when she rode to power in the general election of March 1971. Neither Gandhi’s consolidation of power, her authoritative style of administration, nor even her public speaking of radical reforms was enough to meet the deepening economic crisis generated by the massive cost of the 1971 war with Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh. Both Gandhi’s office and character came under severe tests when an all-party had put a No-confidence motion in Parliament and a writ had been issued by the Allahabad High Court invalidating her 1971 election and making her ineligible to occupy her seat for six years. On June 25, 1975: the President declared an Emergency and the government suspended civil rights. The Reign of Terror, as some called it, continued until January 18, 1977, when Gandhi suddenly relaxed the Emergency, announced the next General Elections in March, and released her opponents from prison. With elections, only two months away7both J.P. Narayan and Morarji Desai reactivated the multiparty front, which campaigned as the Janata Party and rode anti-Emergency sentiment to secure a clear majority in the Lok Sabha (House of the People), the lower house of Parliament. And Moraji Desai became India’s fourth Prime Minister (1977-79). But due to factionalism Janta Party government couldn’t last long and general elections were held in January 1980. Gandhi and her party renamed Congress (R) as Congress (1)—I for Indira—campaigned on the slogan ‘Elect a Government That Works!’ and regained power. Secessionist forces in Punjab and in the northeast and the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in December 1979 consumed her energy. She began to involve the armed forces in resolving violent domestic conflicts between 1980 and 1984. In May 1984, Sikh extremists occupied the Golden Temple in Amritsar, converting it into a refuge for terrorists. Gandhi responded in early June when

she launched Operation Blue Star, which killed and Wounded hundreds of soldiers, insurgents, and civilians. A few months later, in October 31, 1984, two of Gandhi’s Sikh bodyguards took revenge by assassinating Gandhi on the grounds of her home. Thus ended the life of the first woman prime minister of India. She emerged as the global leader. A poll by BBC News online has voted Indira Gandhi as the greatest woman in the past 1,000 years. Mrs. Gandhi acquired a formidable international reputation as a ‘Statesman’. She was referred to as the Empress of India as she directed the country towards newer horizons. In fact, she was a global leader during whose tenure India strove extremely well in her international relations.

850 Words Essay


Essay No. 04


Smt. Indira Gandhi

(1917- 1984 )


The Woman Prime Minister of India


The third Prime Minister of India


Indira Gandhi was one of the greatest women of India. Her childhood name was Priyadarshini. She was born at Allahabad on 19th November 1917. She was the illustrious daughter of an illustrious father, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India.

She was born with patriotic feelings, her grandfather, Motilal Nehru, and her father Jawaharlal Nehru both being great patriots. She was greatly impressed by Gandhiji when she visited the Sabarmati Ashram.

She got her early education at home. She did her matriculation from Pune and later joined the Shantiniketan started by Rabindra Nath Tagore. Later she studied in Switzerland and England.

Her mother, Kamala Nehru died in 1937. It was a big shock to her. Now, she undertook to look after her father. Later, she married Feroze Gandhi, a Parsi in 1941, in the teeth of opposition from conservative Hindus.

After Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister of India as India gained Independence in 1947, her responsibility regarding taking care of his health and well-being increased. This, however, only added to her experience in politics.

After the death of Jawaharlal Nehru in 1964 when Lal Bahadur Shastri became the Prime Minister, she joined his Cabinet as the Minister of Information and Broadcasting. After Shastri’s death in 1966, she became the first (and so far the last) woman Prime Minister of India.

She was known for her superb leadership and firm determination and became instrumental in inflicting a crushing defeat to Pakistan in 1971 and liberating East Pakistan later renamed Bangladesh. She, however, became unpopular after she had declared an internal Emergency on 26th June 1975. As a result of it, she was defeated in the 1977 elections. She, however, was re-elected in December 1979 but assumed office in January 1980. On 31st October 1984, she was assassinated by one of her bodyguards.

She will always be remembered as one of the greatest leaders of India and one of the greatest women in the world.

300 Words Essay


Essay No. 05


Indira Gandhi


India: First Women Prime Minister

Birth: 1917 Death: 1984

The name of Indira Gandhi is known throughout the world as the Prime Minister of India and as an important world statesman. Under her leadership, India became a strong country, making all-around progress. She also added new dynamism to international politics by strongly advocating the case of the poor and backward countries of the world. She was a great crusader of world peace also.

Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi was born in Allahabad (U.P.) on 19th November 1917, in a prosperous family. She was the only child of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. Indira Gandhi was educated at different, places—Pune, Shantiniketan, Switzerland, and England. Both her father and grandfather were involved in the freedom struggle of India and this made a strong impression on the mind of little Indira. When she was just 13 years old, Indira organized a ‘Monkey Army’ which proved her intention to fight for the independence of her country. In 1942, she was married to Feroze Gandhi. Two sons were born to her—Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi is at present the Prime Minister of India. After the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi became the third Prime Minister of India on January 24, 1966, and remained in this post up to 1977. The Prime Ministership of Indira was credited with great achievements and the most noteworthy of these are the nationalization of Banks, the liberation of Bangla Desh, the 20 Point Programme for the upliftment of the poor, and the Chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement. In January 1980 General Elections, Indira Gandhi again returned to power with an overwhelming majority.

Mrs. Gandhi, the ‘Iron Lady’ of Asia, met her tragic end when she was brutally assassinated by her own guards on Wednesday, 31st October 1984. She is immortalized in history .as a forceful and capable ruler.

300 Words Essay


Essay No. 06


Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917, in her grandfather’s house in Allahabad, in northern India: She was the daughter of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Her mother’s name was Kamala Nehru.

In 1942 Indira and Feroze were married. In 1947 Indira became her father’s hostess as he leads India. Her upbringing had taught her much about freedom and struggle.

Now, at her father’s side, she was to gain an education into the workings of a democracy and the realities of power. In 1959 she became congress president.

In 1964 her father died, his successor was Lal Bhadur Shastri. Mr. Shartri died after two years in office. On Shastri’s death, she was elected the first woman Prime Minister of the country. She led the country for sixteen years.

In 1971, she gave a crushing defeat to Pakistan. She nationalized the Banks and abolished the Privy Purse. These two steps made her the champion of the poor.

Her life was part of the story of modern India. She was killed by two of her bodyguards. She was sixty-four years old. She was a lady of rare qualities.

No one ever doubted the courage of the remarkable woman who had sometimes been called “The Devi of India” and no one ever doubted that with her death a chapter of India’s history ended.

200 Words Essay


Essay No. 07

Indira Gandhi 

Smt. Indira Gandhi took over as Prime Minister of India on January 24, 1966, and continued till 1977. After a lapse of nearly three years, she once again emerged victorious with a thumping majority in the General Elections held in January 1980 and was made the Prime Minister.

Smt. Indira Gandhi (Priyadarshini) was born in Allahabad on November 19, 1917. She was the granddaughter of Pt. Moti Lal Nehru and the only child of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of free India and the architect of modern India. Her illustrious father was a renowned politician and statesman, She was educated at Shanti Niketan and in Switzerland. She was a brilliant child. “Like father, like daughter.’

She was born into politics. She gained much experience in politics and statesmanship. She imbibed farsightedness, patriotism, diligence, firm determination, and courage from her father like the inborn and inherited qualities. In a way, she had ingrained politics into her nature. She took an active part in all national movements and had been to jail time and again. She was married to a Parsi nationalist Feroze Gandhi in 1942. She had two sons Rajiv and Sanjay. Unfortunately, Sanjay died in an air crash on June 23, 1980, leaving behind his widow Menaka and his newly born son named Varun.

She succeeded in the post of Prime Minister after the death of Shastriji in 1966 at Tashkent (USSR). She continued to guide and shape the nation’s destiny for more than fifteen years. India made all-around and tremendous progress under her premiership. She nationalized banking and the coal industry and proved herself to be the savior of the poor masses. Her 20-point economic program aimed at the removal of economic hurdles, corruption, unemployment, exploitation, and adulteration, thereby raising the standard of the weaker section of the country. She could never compromise with the anti-social elements.

Her sound and solid role in the liberation of Bangla Desh won her international fame. She strengthened the economic and industrial fields through the IndoSoviet friendship pact. Some people started calling her a ‘dictator’. The campaign launched by Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan became prominent. Therefore, Mrs. Gandhi declared an emergency in India. Terror reigned throughout the country. The opposition parties made malicious propaganda against her and gave her a crushing defeat in the 1977 General Election. She was thrown out of power and she handed over the administration to the victorious Janata Party without a frown or murmur. She faced the Commissions and prosecutions boldly. The Janata Party which was a loose combination of several self-interested political parties caused mismanagement in the country.

The disgusted and frustrated people realized their folly and voted for her overwhelmingly to power in 1980. She staged a comeback with a bang and rode firmly in the saddle. She bore the heavy responsibility cool-headedly. She restored the long-lost stability, security, and prosperity to India. She mended her totally shattered and paralyzed economy and crushed the galloping inflation. She safeguarded the integrity of the nation in international forums. She suppressed the fissiparous tendencies and spurt of communal riots with a heavy hand. She waged a constant war against the forces of disorder, disruption and reaction.

Her two security guards Beant Singh and Satwant Singh assassinated her on October 31, 1984. Her death sent a shock wave throughout the country. Communal violence and violation of law and order rocked the Capital and 12 other States on November 1, 1984. Curfew was imposed and orders were issued to shoot at sight. 104 world delegations attended her funeral on November 3. She ever longed to meet a martyr’s death like M.K. Gandhi and feel proud of it since every drop of her blood would lend a helping hand in developing, strengthening, and mobilizing the nation. She was the Central political figure of India and bred noble and lofty ideals in her bosom.

‘History will stand witness to the magnitude of Indira Gandhi’s contribution to a vibrant India on the march to modernity.’ The Nation would miss her for ages due to her qualities of discretion, administrative efficiency, political farsightedness, and ability of the nation’s integration. May her soul rest in peace!

700 Words Essay


Essay No. 08

Essay on “Indira Gandhi”

Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917, in Allahabad, the only child of Jawaharlal Nehru, later the first prime minister of India. A graduate of Visva-Bharati University, Bengal, she also studied at the University of Oxford, England. In 1938 she joined the National Congress party and became active in India’s independence movement. In 1942 she married Feroze Gandhi, a Parsi lawyer also active in the party. Shortly after, both were arrested by the British on charges of subversion and spent 13 months in prison. When India won its independence in 1947 and Nehru took office as prime minister, Gandhi became his official hostess. She also served as his confidante on national problems and accompanied him on foreign trips.

In 1955 she was elected to the executive body of the Congress party, becoming a national political figure in her own right; in 1959 she became president of the party for one year. In 1962, during the Chinese-Indian border war, she coordinated civil defense activities. Following the death of her father in May 1964, Gandhi became minister of information and broadcasting in Lal Bahadur Shastri’s government. In this post, she extended broadcasting time, liberalized censorship policies, and approved a television education project in family planning. When Shastri died suddenly in January 1966, Gandhi succeeded him as prime minister.

The following year she was elected to a 5-year term by the parliament members of the dominant Congress party. She led her party to a landslide victory in the national elections of 1971. In 1975 Gandhi was convicted of a minor infraction of the election laws during the 1971 campaign. Maintaining innocence, she charged that the conviction was part of an attempt to remove her from office and, instead of resigning, declared a national state of emergency on June 26. Although her conviction was soon overturned by the Indian Supreme Court, the emergency was continued. Gandhi placed many aspects of life in India under her strict control, and thousands of dissenters were imprisoned. Many saw in these actions the influence of her younger son, Sanjay Gandhi, a political neophyte on whom she relied more and more for assistance. Hoping to demonstrate popular support for her regime, which critics contended was undermining India’s democratic system, Gandhi called a general election in March 1977; she lost her seat in parliament, and the Congress party was defeated. In the elections of January 1980, however, she made a spectacular comeback and was able to form a new majority government. When Sanjay died in a plane crash that June, she began grooming her older son, Rajiv Gandhi, as her successor. On October 31, 1984, after she had moved vigorously to suppress Sikh insurgents, she was shot to death by Sikh members of her security guard.

450 Words Essay


Essay No. 09

Indira Gandhi

Mrs. Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister of India after the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri. She was the daughter of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. She was chosen to lead the nation in her struggle for survival.

She was born on 19th November 1917. She grew up in the traditions of the Nehru family. She got her education in politics in the company of her father. Anand Bhavan was the hub (centre/pivot) of political activities and the freedom struggle.

At the age of 12 she was drawn into active politics and joined the freedom struggle with great zeal.

She went to jail in 1942 during the Quit India Movement. She too worked for Hindu-Muslim unity when riots- broke out in 1947. She helped the refugees and worked for their rehabilitation. She held her independent opinion on vital matters as Prime Minister.

She was the minister of Information and Broadcasting in Lal Bahadur Shastri’s Government. As P. M. of India, she faces boldly both internal and external problems. She was very candid about India’s role in international politics.

She helped Bangladesh attain independence despite enormous external pressure. Unfortunately, she was brutal assassinates by her own guard at her house 1, Safdarjung Road. Her life was indeed one of great courage, fortitude and conventional. She was the first lady to become the P.M. of India. She said ‘Don’t shed blood, shed hatred’.


250 Words Essay


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