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Essay on “Co-Education” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Co- Education

Co- Education means education of boys and girls learning together in the same school or college at the same time. In India it has recently become popular. Co-education is not a new thing for us. In the good old days when ‘Ashrams’ were the seats of learning, co- education was find a number of examples which show that co-education was all over the country. The practice continued till the coming of Muslims in India. The Purdah system put an end to co- education.

Co- education is no longer a taboo. Even in villages and small towns girls and boys study together now- a – days. It has become popular only because of its many advantages. When girls and boys interact with each other from childhood, the fear, craze and mystery of the opposite sex is removed from the mind. They observe the changes that come in each other’s body and mind with age as a normal part of growing up. Moreover, they learn to understand each other’s individuality, behaviour and way of thinking.   Sitting, moving, taking, studying and eating together removes many complexes and makes the person’s approach more rounded and wholesome.

Education is not limited to the knowledge imparted only by books, it is a continuous process learned more from the environment , people and changes around as than merely from books. With the opening up of new vistas of learning, and new opportunities of career, it has been understood that men and women contribute equally in every field of society.

Co- education is a step towards this direction only. It teaches both girls and boys to be tolerant and respectful of competition with each other. This society has a great number of normal men and women. They don’t find anything objectionable in men and women mixing together.

For a poor country like India where we are still building up our national economy, how difficult it is to run separate girl- colleges. Either we can’t secure the series of efficient lady teachers or the funds do not allow us to run standard institutions of this type. The number of girl students, though rising every year, is not yet so high as to enable us to run separate colleges in India. On still higher level in Degrees, they have to be together as there cannot be separate universities and post- graduate colleges. A poor country like India which needs education of women more than any other country, cannot afford to have two institutions at own place. Co- education creates better understanding between youngmen and young women. After all they have to live together in life. There is no need of unnatural separation of sexes in our schools and colleges.

Twenty five or thirty years ago none could foretell that any Indian lady would be the first in women from any nation to preside U.N.O. Sm. Vijay Laxmi Pandit had this honour. Sm. Raj KuMARI Amirt Kaur also presided W.H.O. of U.N.O. in India they  are on highest levels – in M.P.’s and in offices – Sucheta  Kriplani, Deshmukh, Aruna, Renu, to name only a few. All these worked together with men in the leadership of Gandhiji and did a lot to win India’s freedom. So for a long past Indian tradition has been of honoring women. The darkness of middle ages should could us no more.

Colleges and schools are temples of Sarawati. Modern student is very sensible and responsible. India’s cultural roots are very deep, spiritual progress is always given a due importance in India. ‘Distance lends enchantment to the view’, in other words. A lady veil’ is a point of greater attraction whatever her beauty. So it is not proper to have separate schools or colleges.

Essay No. 02


Co- education is one of the very important questions that has always disturbed our educational pundits. Co- education means that there should be no separate schools for boy and girls.

There are differing opinions on the subject of co- education. Swpporters of this form of education give the examples of the western countries where this system was introduced years ago and has proved a success. They advance many theories to prove their point. Firstly, the system leads to economy. Secondly, it gives place to exchange of free ideas between boys and girls and removes inhibitions with which Indian boys and girls suffer. Thirdly, it enlarges the scope of and enthusiasm for competition and gives better results. Besides, the presence  of girls among boys in the same schools, colleges, and libraries will result in healthy thinking and any unwanted emphasis by boys or girls on the sexual side of their relationship would give place to a sense of comradeship.

Those who oppose co-education have their own arguments. According to them, though the system leads to economy yet the benefits as such are ultimately false. Moreover giving the same types of education to both boys and girls is equal to going against nature. Men and women are temperamentally  different and education to be beneficial must in each case be so adjusted as to suit both men and women. Thus the very idea of co- education is wrong.

Now if we weigh the  arguments of both sides we will find truth in both. In India co- education generally starts at the college level when free mixing between boys and girls is not possible because at this grown up stage they are very much sex conscious and shyness stands in their way. This argument has also not been able to prove right on the ground. Quite recently especially in the big cities of India, the conception of separate schools and colleges for boys and girls has almost vanished. It has been observed and to the satisfaction of all that co- education is more healthy a process. Such schools and colleges are successfully bringing  out educated youth fully confident on their talents without any inhibition for each other. It has resulted into a healthy atmosphere in offices and other places of work. Men and women are seen rubbing shoulders with each other in all the fields of life and the seed is sown in the schools and colleges. The women are becoming more and more confident in their activities and enough bold to face any hardship. Gone are the days when the girls were such commodities which were kept wrapped behind curtains and not shown the light of the day.

Essay No. 03


There was a time when it was believed that boys and girls should be taught in separate institutions. In ancient gurukuls, there were only boys who were given education them. In spite of this, women generally had good education in ancient India.

After independence, several education commissions and committees were set up. They generally advocated co-education in  schools up to 10+2 level and separate education for boys and girls at the university level till graduation.

This policy is now by and large being followed in our country. There is , however, co-education again at post-graduation level.

Some people believe the co –education should not be there. In their opinion this can lead to attrition between boys and girls and thus it can be of mutual benefit to both sexes. It can mean better  discipline since in the presence of girls the boys will not talk irrelevantly or obscenely in the class.

The most potent argument advanced by co-education lovers is that it can help both boys and  girls in the development of their personality. They can come out of their enclosed shell-like personality and get rid of their unwarranted hesitation and shyness.

This can make boys and girls more expressive, progressive and forded in outlook and attitude to life which can be of great advantage to both sexes.

It must however, be noted that some reservations are also there and even in a country like England, exclusive schools for girls are now being set up.


Essay No. 04



When parents consider what school to send their child to, they often first decide whether they should send their child to a single sex school or to a co-educational one.

Some parents prefer to send their children to single sex schools, in order to minimize their contact with the opposite sex, and so, to some extent, prevent their children from indulging in such ‘hanky panky.’

First of all, it is important to understand that just by sending your child to an all-girls or all-boys school doesn’t stop them from seeking out the opposite sex. You can minimize contact when your child is in school, but you cannot stop your children meeting others through tuitions, extra classes, the neighbourhood, or through friends. If your child meets someone with whom she shares chemistry, and if she makes the decision to get physical with such person, there’s little a parent can do. On the other hand, when you send your child to a co-educational school, your child will have exposure to the opposite sex from the outset. As a result, your child will not only feel more comfortable in the company of the opposite sex, but will also be able to handle advances better. A girl studying in a co-educational school may have ten boys in her class that are interested in going out with her, and may ignore them all, preferring to just hang out with friends . On the other hand, a girl in an all-girl’s school will meet fewer boys, and fewer still will show an interest in her. Such interest, since it isn’t something run-of-the-mill for her, may cause her to get carried away. However, she may still have a lot of exposure to the other sex. In this case, she may be more balanced.

When making the decision of sending your child to a single sex or a co-educational school, don’t base the decision on whether you want to minimize or increase your child’s exposure to the opposite sex. Instead, consider the reputation of the school, the activities it offers and the quality of education and educators. Certain schools are geared towards sending students abroad for further studies. If you want your child to go abroad, this is something you may consider. Then there are other less traditional schools that focus more on activities and less on academics. If this is something that appeals to you, then give this fact more priority than the student mix. In fact, when deciding what school to send your child to, whether or not it is co-educational should be last on your list of criteria.





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