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Essay on “A Journey by Boat” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Journey by Boat

3 Best Essays on ” A Journey by Boat”

Essay No. 01

          I had always been curious about a boating excursion and yearned to have one. The opportune time came last Sunday when early in the morning, my friend, Satish, came to me with a proposal. I at once accepted the proposal and thus grabbed the opportunity.

          Satish, an extrovert as he is had roped in two more of our common friends, Dinesh and Naresh. We all four moved towards the river Yamuna. To my surprise and delight, Satish had already settled the terms with a boatman and he was there on the bank of the river waiting for us.

          It was late in the afternoon. We embarked the boat most jovially and inquisitively. Satish took out his flute and started playing it as the boat moved. Then ripples in the water were a wonderful sight as I discovered and particularly so, as the moon soon appeared in the sky and spread its silvery beams on water. The waves and ripples in the river seemed to be playing with the beams of the sun.

          As if in a sudden fit of frenzy, Dinesh got up and started dancing. Perhaps subconsciously not desiring to be left behind, we all joined him in his frenzied movements arising out of sheer joy and freedom from anxiety and worldly concern that the moments offered us.

          Having enjoyed ourselves and after finishing all the fruits, chocolates, and other stables that we had brought with us, we asked the boatman to start the journey backward. I can never forget this happy journey in the company of my best friends in life.


Essay No. 2


A Journey By Boat

A journey by boat is not a common thing for me. I have sat on a boat once in my life. so it was full of interest for me.

Once I had to go to Allahabad to join a ceremony. Many other relatives had come. It was bathing day. So we decided to go for a bath in the Ganga. We deiced to go on a boat from Baluaghat to Sangam. The idea was liked by all. So we started on foot on Baluaghat. We were 16 in number. Many boatmen requested us to sit in their boats. We chose a small boat painted in blue. The wages were settled and we sat in the boat. There were two boatmen. They asked us to sit properly on both the sides of the boat.

The boat sailed. It moved gently. We saw the building on the banks. It was a pleasant sight. We were going down the current. So the boatmen had not to work hard. We passed by the side of the famous fort of Allahabad. It was built by Akbar. In about an hour we reached the Sangam.

We took off our clothes. Then we took bath in the water. The water was not very deep. There was a large number of tortoises. Children feared them. As soon as we had taken our bath, we got into the boat again. The evening was drawing near. We wanted to return home quickly.

The return journey was difficult. The boat was going against the current. The boatmen had to work hard at the oars. We saw the glorious sunset. It was a beautiful sight. The sun’s rays made everything red. The weather was clear when we started. Boats of different shapes and sizes passed up and down the river. Men, women, and children were taking bath on ghats. The breeze was blowing. Some boats with worshipping materials were also there so that one can worship Ganga Mata. The sun was going to set. It was a lovely scene.

Now suddenly, the sky in the west became dim. The boatmen cried ‘ A storm’. They seemed to be frightened. So we became more frightened. The storm was growing furious. We were in the middle of the river. The water rose high. It dashed against the boat. The boat shook from side to side. Some of us moved from their places. The balance was disturbed. The boatmen stopped us. They asked us to sit still and repeat ‘Ram, Ram’. The boatmen worked harder and harder. But it was now quite dark. We lost the home of life.

Suddenly the boatmen cried ‘ the bank, the bank’. We had reached the bank. We thanked Goel for saving us. We got down quickly and put our feet on the ground. We paid fifty rupees to the boatman. My wife also gave him twenty rupees. It was a singular experience. It was an adventurous and charming journey. I still remember the scenes of this journey. They were so beautiful,    they recollect in my mind again and again. I have never seen such scenes again. It became a memory journey.


Essay No. 3

A Boating Excursion

Picnics and boating often go hand in hand. People usually select places for recreation near rivers, lakes, or dams. Boating makes a person feel relaxed. The sight of large watery areas soothes the frayed nerves.

The boat for city dwellers is associated with a sense of freedom. When they sit in a boat the cool winds and the peaceful expanse of water make them forget the daily routine. They feel at peace with themselves.

As the boat moves forward, people often ask the boat mar to sing a song. The old boatmen usually sing old folk songs. These songs take a person away to the forgotten lands, where there were happiness and prosperity and no worries. These songs remind us of full rivers and lush fields. They bring to mind, happy people.

The boat ride on a full moon night transports a person into a fairyland. The waters of the lake or a river swell gently due to the attraction from the moon. The rays of the moon dance merrily on the water. The ripples produce by the boat and the waves lapping against the hull of the boat produce a soothing effect. The silvery water mirrors the trees and the monuments surrounding the lake or the river. They give an impression of a nether world, waiting to be discovered.

Such boat rides are also good for health. They increase the digestive capacity of the body and make one feel hungry. They also calm the mind and relax the tense muscles. This helps a body to rejuvenate itself. Frequent boat rides are also a good exercise, for the person who is rowing them.

Boating is also a good hobby, which can later be taken up as a sport. It increases a person’s awareness of the natural elements and sharpens his skill of survival in the alien environment. It also gives a person an opportunity to contemplate.

In all boating as a hobby or as a sport is good for the health and peace of a person


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  1. Ripon chondro says:

    Very good advice. I really like this paragraph. And it is very beneficial.

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