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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Sir Winston Churchill” great author complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Sir Winston Churchill

(1874 – 1965)

Sir Winston Churchill was a Statesman, historian, and biographer, whose five years of war leadership (1940-45) secured him a central place in modern British history. Churchill_ is widely considered as the greatest political figure in the 20th-century Britain. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953. He supported the Zionist movement in Palestine (1921-22), during the Abdication crisis (1926) he was loyal to Edward VIII, and during the 1945 election campaign he tried to brand Labour as ‘a totalitarian party. Winston Churchill was the son of conservative politician Lord Randolph Churchill and his American wife, Jennie Jerome, and a direct descendant from the first Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722). He attended Harrow and Sandhurst, from which he graduated twentieth in a class of 130. Shortly after his father’s death in 1895, he was commissioned in the Fourth Hussars. He soon obtained leave, and worked during the Cuban war as a reporter for the London Daily Graphic. From 1896 to 1897 Churchill served as a soldier and journalist in India, and wrote the basis for The Story Of The Malakand Field Force (1898). In 1898 Churchill fought at the battle of Omdurman in Sudan, depicting his experiences in The River War An Account Of The Reconquest Of The Sudan (1899). Churchill’s several books dealing with his early career include My African Journey (1908) and My Early Life (1930). Churchill resigned his commission in 1899, and was assigned to cover the Boer War for the London Morning Post. His adventures captured by the Boers, and a daring escape, made Churchill a celebrity and hero on his return to England in 1900. In 1900 Churchill was first elected to the Parliament. He switched from the Conservatives to the Liberal Party in 1904. In 1908, he married Clementine Ogilvy Hozier, with whom he had one son and three daughters. This relationship brought much happiness and security throughout Churchill’s lifetime. Between  1906 and 1911 Churchill served in various governmental posts, and was appointed lord of the admiralty in 1911. As home secretary (1910-11) he used troops against strikers in South Wales. Out of office, Churchill began writing The World Crisis, which appeared in 6 volumes (1923-31). The work was attacked by the eminent poet and critic Herbert Read in English Prose Style (1928). He described Chrchill’s prose as high-sounding, redundant, falsely eloquent and declamatory, sharing his view with the younger post-war generation of writers who praised the virtues of simplicity In 1924 Churchill was elected to Parliament, and appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer. Churchill’s defence of the gold standard earned him the wrath of the economist John Maynard Keynes, who saw such policy as the cause of deflation, unemployment, and even the general strike of 1926.


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