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Essay, Biography or Paragraph on “Ramdas Swami” complete biography for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Ramdas Swami

Ramdas was born in the village Jambu near Bir Pargana on the bank of the river Godavari in Maharashtra in the year 1608. His father’s name was Suryaji Panth and his mother’s name was Rama Bai. As both the husband and the wife were devotees of Sri Ramachandra, they named of the child as Rarndas (the servant of Ram). He was the second son of his parents.

His father died, when he was only six years old. His sacred thread ceremony was performed at the age of seven and as per his family tradition, he was appointed to the priesthood. Also, he started learning Sanskrit and the shastras. Within a few years he mastered Sanskrit and his mother tongue. In course of time the relatives of Ramdas arranged his marriage. The Priest, who was performing the marriage, suddenly declared ‘Be careful’. All that he meant was they should be careful about the auspicious moment. Ramias however took it to mean a divine warning against the hazards of sansara. It was ordained that he was destined to a great future, a life of religious and spiritual greatness and he should riot lose his way in the labyrinth of the selfish and materialistic ways of life. So he left the place without delay and was free to practise a life of Sadhana in order to realise life’s supreme goal.

Ramdas went away to a place called Dangle near Panchvati on the Godavari. Then he was engaged in Tapasya for long twelve years. In twelve years, he completed three crores and a half of Ramnarn Japa. He also made Gayatri Purascharan thrice during that period. As a result, he acquired yogic powers or Siddhai but rarely he used them. Ramdas then on Guruji’s advise went on a pilgrimage to the various holy places in India preaching the glory of Ram and the efficacy of Ramnam. ‘

He travelled from the age of 24 to 36 years and during this period he visited — Kedarnath, Badrinath, Kailasnath in Himalayans; Rameswar, Ceylon in the South, and again from the West Dwarka to Vrindavan, Gaya, Varanasi, Jagannatndham Puri and finally returned to Panchavati. Now the most important chapter of his spiritual life as an Acharya (Guru) started. He established a new community named “Ramait-Vaishnava Cult”, an assimilation of Bhnkti and Advaita Vedantism. In the later period ‘Ramait-Vaishnava Cult’ helped in the revival of Hinduism throughout India. From the 14th to 17th Century, nearly 300 years the South India was under the control of Muslim power.

In the 13th Century. Saint Jnandeva wrote Jnaneswari, a commentary in Marathi verse of the Bhagavad Gita. About a century later came Namdev, who wrote poems not only in Marathi but also in Hindi. He spent his life propagating the Bhakti cult in Maharashtra and Punjab. Then came Ekanath and Tukaram. Chatrapati Sivaji was a contemporary of Tukaram. Once, Sivaji met Tukaram and pleaded to be accepted as his disciple but the Saint directed him to Ramdas Swami as the proper Guru for him.

At last Ramdas Swami established his Ashram at a place called Chabal on the banks of the river Krishna. Among the disciples who came to him were Kalyanaswami, Shrestha, Uddhav Gosavi, Bhim Ray, Diwakar and among women-devotees Akkabai, Venabai etc. He built temples of Sri Rama and Anjaneya in several places for spreading the gospel of Bhakti, Jnan and Karma. Among his works : “Dasabodha”, consists of 7752 poems and his devotees respectfully addressed it as “Grantharaj”; “Srisloka Manache”, here instructions are given as how to control one’s mind ; “Karunastaka”, full of prayers; the “Ramayana” of Swami Ramdas ; the “Abhangas” etc.

In this way the reputation of Ramdas as a great Saint spread far and wide. As he wished to meditate in peace he took his abode in a cave in a neighbouring hill. Among the many distinguised persons who came in quest of Ramdas was Chhatrapati Shivaji. On an auspicious day Shivaji met Ramdas on the bank of the river Godavari and sought initiation from the saint. The Guru however knew that Shivaji was destined to achieve something different. His mission in life was to establish a Hindu Kingdom. Whenever Shivaji was in trouble he used to meditate on his guru or seek him in person in order to receive his advice and blessing.

On one occasion the Mughal emperor came to attack the kingdom of Shivaji and due to Guru’s blessing Shivaji fought with renewed vigour and was successful in beating back the enemy, who left the field after suffering great loss in men and money. Several miracles were attributed to Ramdas. Ramdas knew by his yogic power that his mother was on her death bed. He paid a hurried visit and she welcomed him with great affection. He told her “I have come to seek your blessings for I know that I may not see you tomorrow.” After the passing away of his mother Ramdas returned to- his place and devoted himself to meditation.’

Ramdas Swami passed away in 1681.



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