Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Draft a circular to all commissioner and District Collectors working as District Election Officers to make adequate arrangements for the free and fare General Assembly Election.

Draft a circular to all commissioner and District Collectors working as District Election Officers to make adequate arrangements for the free and fare General Assembly Election.

Draft a circular to all commissioner and District Collectors working as District Election Officers to make adequate arrangements for the free and fare General Assembly Election

Office of the Election Commissioner

Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Phone: 23334512 Fax : 2334511

Circular Ref: EC/3/01, Date…….

Sub: Election: Urgent

For : All Commissioners/Dist. Collectors


As per instruction and guidelines received from the office of the chief Election Commissioner, Government of India, New Delhi vide Cir. No CEC/GE/2/03 and in compliance with the same, you are hereby instructed to make proper arrangements, planning and preparations for conducting the free and fair Assembly Elections.

Please get all the voter lists updated and printed timely, ensure to get the photo-identity card issued card issued to all voters. Get all the ballot boxes checked, and if required get the same repaired and new ones ordered. Marking and mapping of polling stations and polling booths are also to be done. Sensitive areas be marked and requisition for additional Police Force be sent in advance.

 List of Zonal Magistrates, presiding officers, polling officers and employees for election duty be chalked out in advance. In all circumstances, the election must be conducted in free and fair atmosphere. Compliance be made under intimation to the undersigned. This should be treated as most urgent.



Election Commissioner


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