Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “India’s Faith in Non-Violence and Peaceful Co-existence” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Higher classes.

Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “India’s Faith in Non-Violence and Peaceful Co-existence” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Higher classes.

Passages with Solved Precis

Our policy is one of peaceful settlement of international disputes, though we are obliged to resist aggression when it occurs. Our resistance is to be carried out without or hatred. Our faith in ahimsa does not mean cowardly submission to aggression. It is resistance to evil without violence in our minds or hatred in our hearts. While non-violence does not mean surrender to evil, it also requires that we should be ready to negotiate for an honourable settlement if and when an opportunity arises.

The conflict with China does not in any way diminish our faith in the United Nations and the growth of a world community. We live in an age of the decline of the Nation States and the rise of a world society. All men are brothers though nation States sometimes seem to be hostile to one another.

We have been striving to the extent to which one nation can, to strengthen the United Nations and give to it authority and power to protect small and weak nations from attacks by larger and stronger powers. We will continue in our endeavours to transform the United Nations into a world fluthority. Till this goal is reached so long as there are nations which esteem and respect only military strength, we owe it to ourselves to give our people security to lead their lives unfettered by interference from outside.

We are convinced of the irrationality of war. We know that it does not settle dispute but when our security is imperilled, when justice is violated, we are obliged to use force for defensive purposes. While individuals may adopt an attitude of complete abstention from the use of force in any circumstances, the State cannot adopt such a policy if it is to discharge its first duty to give protection to its citizens.

Even states should ceaselessly strive with discipline and courage to narrow the scope for the use of force and enlarge that of persuasion. We do not wish to change our basic policies of democratic freedom, social justice and friendship among nations simply because military conflict is thrust upon us to our great sorrow. We will follow a policy of friendship to all nations and enmity towards none.

We shall do everything in our power to clear up misunderstandings and suspicions with our neighbours without losing patience or hope. We shall not at any time or in any circumstance be tempted into a large country or great civilisation complex. We know that national self-confidence is essential for survival, but we also know that national conceit is a source of irrigation to others. By our every word and action we create a climate of friendliness or annoyance and we should be vigilant about what we say or do in regard to international questions.

Internationalism is an over aching ideal which reconciles the national concepts we have developed. To this generation is given the responsibility and the opportunity to change the international situation and safeguard not only itself but the future generations, for whom we hold the world in trust. It is a race against time and we must win it.

It is our hope that the great nations of the world will turn back from the race in nuclear armaments and co-operate in combating the enemies of humanity-poverty, ignorance and disease-and help to give a better life to all people, by utilising the enormous resources of science and technology.

We are entering a new year which holds out new beginnings and new possibilities. For every one of us it can be a year of regeneration of renewal.

From the old past with its mistakes, sorrows and failures we can rise to a new state endowed with power and purpose and radiant with the inspiration of a new ideal. Let us strive to raise ourselves morally and spiritually and work for the new order.


India’s Faith in Non-Violence and Peaceful Co-existence

India has all along been following a policy of peace and non-violence, resisting the forces of hatred and ill-will. But it must be noted that her doctrine of non-violence does not teach her cowardice. The Indians are always prepared to settle disputes with others through peaceful negotiations but when there is war on righteousness we must resist it with all our might. India maintains unshakable faith in the efficacy of the United Nations and this faith has not, in the least, been shaken by Chinese aggression. On the other hand, India has been endeavouring to strengthen the cause of U.N.O. to the utmost extent, and to make it an effective international authority. We, the Indians, are convinced of the futility of war. We stand for the solution of disputes between one country and the other through the process of peaceful negotiations and not by armed interventions. India, under no circumstance, shall give up her policy of non-alignment. She will always follow a policy of friendship to all nations irrespective of their social and political character. She would stand firm and unshaken with her basic policy of peaceful co-existence and universal brotherhood.


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