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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Search Engines” Complete English Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

Search Engines

Search Engine is computer software that assembles lists of documents, generally, those on the World Wide Web (WWW) and the contents of those documents. Search engines respond to user entry or query by immediately searching the World Wide Web for sites corresponding to the users query and display a list of documents called Web sites when on the World Wide Web. With the click of a key on the board one is instantly able to gain access to information on almost any topic under the sun.

Google, Yahoo!, MSN Search, Alta Vista are some of the first search engines. Search engines have meant that you literally have the world at your fingertips. Be it student project work, recipes for wannabe cooks, real estate listings, or stock market updates the search engine provides you with instant access to everything. With almost every second household having an internet connection these days, information is accessible to almost everybody right in their living rooms. No longer does one have to go to a library to research a topic; information, all kinds, is available just a click away.

The search engine helps one to find things on the net. If one is looking for a pair of shoes from Nike, all one has to do is type the words Nike shoes in the search engine and viola in the time that it takes you to blink your eyes you have a list of sites that either sell or market Nike shoes. If one has sprained an ankle and can’t visit the doctor, medical help is just a search engine away. Click cure for sprained ankle and instantly you have a list of sites that offer you a variety of medical services. Depending on what you are looking for, medication or the dos and don’ts you just have to click and you are there. If the doctor is not forthcoming with information about a certain ailment, the search engine is your best bet. Just type in the disease that you need information on in the search engine and Presto! You are transported in to a world where information is at your command.

Search engines basically help you get to where you want to on the World Wide Web faster. With the move from physical world to virtual world almost all companies have their registered websites. You may not know the website details but a search engine could find it for you if you just hit the name of the company you are looking for. Such is the use of search engines in marketing today that search engine optimization has become the need of the hour for marketing. Search engine optimization (SEO) makes sure that a site is as accessible as possible to the search engines. Its aim is to improve the probability of the search engine serving it up when potential customers type in specific search items. Search engine optimization improves the volume and quality of traffic to the web site from search engines through search results. The earlier a site is presented in the search results, the more searchers will visit the site.

Whether it is free software download, or free movie download, or a game of chess, a recipe of a dish or an idea for a gift; almost anything you can think of, the search engine can dish up in a few seconds. It’s like a private genie that considers your every wish its command. It virtually puts the world at your fingertips.


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