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Write a Letter to Your Landlord for Necessary Repairs with Reply, Landlord and Tenant Letters

Letter to Your Landlord for Necessary Repairs

27, Lok Vihar, Pitam Pura,

New Delhi- 110085.

June 12, 200….

Dear Shri Vohra,

I wanted to come and see you personally in regard to certain urgent repairs needed in your flat, now occupied by me, but because of want of time, I cannot do so. There is see page in the walls of the drawing room, and therefore the room remains damp and unpleasant. The flat also requires a  white wash , besides painting of the doors and the windows.

There are some other minor repairs as well which I would show you if you kindly pay us a personal visit. You know, since my  occupation of your flat I have not requested for nay repairs at. And I have been in the flat for the last five years. It is also in the interest of your flat that these repairs are carried out immediately, because soon the rainy season would set in and then things would get worse.

I hope you will see the urgency of the matter in view of the fact that in August my eldest son is to be married. It would be really absurd to receive the guests in the damp and leaking drawing room.  I would feel obliged if the matter is given immediate attention and repairs done at the earliest. In case you are not free, I can get the repairs done and debit the costs towards your rent account.

Please reply immediately and let me know how to you want the repairs to be done. I want that these repairs are done latest by the end of this month.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Pradeep Dutt

Reply to the above (Positive)

Dear Mr. Dutt,

I am in receipt of your letter dated ….. and noted the contents.

I am sorry that you have been put to some discomfort on account of the repairs not having been carried out so far. In fact I have tried my best to obtain a permit for cement. I have gone from pillar to post but all my efforts to obtain permit have ended in smoke. On my part I am very much anxious to carry out the necessary repairs in the house. Would it be possible for you to use your influence in getting me a cement permit? I assure you that after cement being available. I shall lose no time to get the necessary repairs done in the house. I await your kind reply.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


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